Obituaries and Death Notices
in Pulaski County, Illinois Newspapers

The Pulaski Patriot

 21 & 26 Jul 1871; 21 Jul 1872

Mound City, Pulaski County, Illinois

Transcribed and annotated by Darrel Dexter

The Pulaski Patriot, Wednesday, 12 Jul 1871:
DIED—Esquire Muchler, who had been a resident of this county for over thirty years, died at his residence, near Caledonia, on Thursday of last week.  The Squire was well known and generally liked.

DIED—In this city, on Friday, the 7th inst., after a protracted illness, Mr. F. Hildebrand, aged 59 years.

The Pulaski Patriot, Wednesday, 26 Jul 1871:
We regret to learn of the accidental death of a thirteen year old boy, brother of Mr. Aldred, county surveyor.  Death was produced by a fall from a peach tree.


In this city, Sunday, July 23d, of congestive chill, James H. C. Kittle, oldest son of J. and M. E. Kittle, Carrol County (Ills.).  Mirror and Fullerton County, Penn., papers please copy.

Walter Richard, only son of R. W. and J. S. Goode, of Villa Ridge, on Monday, 18th inst., of summer complaint.

Also William A., only child of D. N. and M. J. Kennedy, July 25th, of the same.

The Bush Tragedy.

We have hitherto not spoken of this matter.  The first week of its occurrence we had no space, on account of the tax list and other matter that was in type.  Last week we had inklings of a legal investigation, and determined to be silent until we could arrive at the whole truth, as we did not wish to do injustice to either party to the bloody tragedy.

The state of the case as developed by the coroner’s jury, is pretty well known to the community and will require but little comment.  We were of the opinion at the time that the examination was too cursory and not wide enough in its range.  Perhaps if it had been more thorough, the second examination would not have been necessary.  Mr. Stoltz being the only witness examined as to the facts of the killing.  He stated doubtless to the best of his knowledge, the case, but it is perfectly natural that there would be as many versions of the case, as there were persons participating in the tragedy, arising from the excitement of the moment.  Mr. Stoltz testified that he, with a portion of his posse, entered the shop of Daniel Bush, found him armed and prepared to make resistance, that he actually presented arms to fire at him and his posse, that the pistol was knocked from his hand by him, and as he was trying to seize his gun, he ordered him fired on by his assistance, they obeying his order, and the effects of their shots afterwards proved fatal; that he made his escape into a cornfield, where he was found two days afterward in a dying condition

The version of the wife of the deceased as well as another witness, differed materially from that of Mr. Stoltz.  She stated that Mr. Stoltz, with a portion of his posse, entered the shop by a light held by herself, found her husband asleep.  Without summoning him to surrender, or telling him that they were officers of the law, and had a warrant for his arrest, assaulted him with a bludgeon, while asleep, and disarmed him, that her husband escaped through the open door of the shop, and as he escaped from the shop he was fire don by the posse on the outside; that the fire was kept up as he retreated into the cornfield referred to above; that he made no hostile demonstrations with his arms, but was taken by surprise and doubtless thought himself in the hands of a mob.

Under this version of the story we think the colored people did right in insisting on a further investigation of the case.

If the shoe had fallen on the other foot, that is, if a white man had been accused as Bush was, by the colored people, and if they had gone in the capacity of officers of the law, or a mob and committed the violence as was in this case, there is not an American in the county, but what would have insisted on a rigorous examination, and prosecute it to the bitter end.  They will accord the same privileges to the colored or any other class of men that feel that one of their number had been unfairly dealt with.  The days of old fashioned "nigger hunts" have passed by.  Every man now stands on his individual merits before the law.  That Mr. Bush as has been asserted, confessed to the "soft impeachment" of hog stealing, is a matter that we know nothing of, as we have not been able to trace it to any authentic source, and no such confession came out on the examination, hence we are disposed to discredit that portion of the story.  That he did or did not steal hogs, we do not know, as that part has not been passed on by the law.
Coroner Stoltz and his posse comitatus, were arraigned before Esqr. Hallerberg, last Friday, but the court, it seems, failed to discover enough in the evidence to hold the parties for their appearance at the circuit court.  We will not murmur at the findings of the court, notwithstanding many dominate its rulings as anything but what the evidence warranted.  We are not one of those who believe it the province of the press to make statements and structures calculated to prejudice the interests of either side, as it is quite likely it will be before the next grand jury, and hence, content ourselves with giving our readers a simple statements of the facts as we have gathered them.

The Pulaski Patriot, Thursday, 25 July 1872:
Mr. Thomas Lockford, of Cairo, an employee of the C. & V. R. R. working with the spile drivers above our city, was killed today by the rebounding of a snatch block caused by a chain breaking.  It struck him in the small of the back; he lived only a few hours after receiving the injury.

[N.B. There are no extant issues for 1873 or 1874]

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