Obituaries and Death Notices


Cairo Daily Democrat, Cairo Daily Times and

Cairo Evening Bulletin

 3 Jan 1868-31 Dec 1868


Cairo, Alexander County, Illinois

Transcribed by Darrel Dexter

 Cairo Daily Democrat


Thursday, 3 Jan 1868:
Death of P. Smith.

            Our citizens were greatly shocked on New Year's morning by the announcement that Mr. P. Smith was no more.  He had been taken with the erysipelas, a few days before, but thinking the pain and swelling the effects of a spider bite, he attempted the management of the case himself.  When a physician was called the disease had made too great a progress to be arrested.

            Mr. Smith has been a resident of Cairo during a period of a quarter of a century, and at the time of his death was known and respected by every man, woman and child in Cairo.  He was an honest, industrious man, giving close attention to his own business and having nothing whatever to do with the business of others.  He was charitable, rendering assistance to the needy, quietly and without ostentation; and in all his dealings with the public, running through a period of twenty-five years, he was ever regarded as “God's noblest work—an honest man.”

            His remains were accompanied to Villa Ridge, yesterday, by a large concourse of friends and were anxious to pay to his lifeless body the last, sad respects.

            The community deeply sympathizes with the widow and family, while they mourn, themselves, the departure of one who has so long moved among them.  At the time of his death Mr. Smith was 57 years of age.

Sunday, 5 Jan 1868:
The New Era speaks of a shooting scrape in Ridge Precinct,
Jackson County, between two boys, Etherton and Galligher, which resulted in the death of the latter.  The affair occurred on Christmas.  Particulars are not given.

Tuesday, 7 Jan 1868:
A RICH ESTATE.—Isaac Hartline, an old citizen of
Union County, died recently, leaving to his brothers and sisters (having never married) one of the largest estates in the county.  His administrator was required to give bond in the sum of $100,000.  At the time of his death he had a considerable amount of coin, gold and silver, buried in the earth.

            He is the same old gentleman upon whom, a couple of years ago, a most fiendish robbery was committed.  The villains robbed the house of $2,000 or $3,000; then tied the old gentleman and his invalid sister to the bedposts and set fire to the building over them.  Two young men, it will be recollected, who were charged with the commission of the awful outrage, were tried in the Circuit Court of this county and acquitted.

            Mr. Hartline at the time of his death was over 70 years of age.
10 Jan 1868:

            The Alton Telegraph, of last week, announces the death of the Hon. Robert Smith, a gentleman well known, respected and honored throughout the State, and particularly in Southern Illinois.  He died at his residence in Alton, after a week's illness.

            Mr. Smith was born in Petersburg, N. H., June 12th, 1802.  He removed to Illinois in 1832.  He served in the Illinois Legislature from 1836 to 1840.  He was elected to Congress in 1843, and served until March 4, 1851.  He took an active part in the organization of railroads in this State.  During the rebellion, he served as paymaster for discharged soldiers, at St. Louis.  His life has been one of uninterrupted activity and usefulness, an extended notice of which will undoubtedly be published.

Saturday, 11 Jan 1868:
The case of the People vs. Van R. Hall, indictment for murder, was continued until the next term of Court, on the affidavit of the defendant.  The absence of material witnesses was alleged.



Sunday, 12 Jan 1868:
THE FUNERAL OF WILLIAM BURKE.—The funeral of William Burke, an old and respected citizen of Mound Junction, and well and favorable known to all our citizens, takes place today.  His remains will be taken to Villa Ridge for interment.  For the accommodation of his many friends in our city, a special train will leave the depot t
12 o'clock.
SEVERELY HURT BY A FALL.—A man by the name of Timberlane, who has relatives in the city, fell from the high sidewalk in the rear of the Louisiana Hotel, yesterday evening, a distance of fully twelve feet.  He struck head first on the hard frozen ground below, and those who first discovered him judged, from the position in which he was found, and the large quantity of blood that had flowed from the wounds in his forehead and temple, that he was dead.  He gave in fact no signs of life until Mr. Joe Arnold and some colored men whom he “pressed” into service, picked him up and carried him into the Louisiana Hotel.  A physician was at once called, who proceeded to an examination of the wounds.  While probing the cuts on his head, the wounded man shrieked out from the pains located in his back.  As he was too much intoxicated to talk intelligibly the physician deferred further examination until he had sobered off.  It is feared that his back was broken by the fall, and that his injuries will prove mortal.  Mr. John Sackberger very kindly took his spring wagon and conveyed the unfortunate man to the house of his brother, who resides in the Fourth Ward.
Friday, 17 Jan 1868:
DEATH OF CAPT. JAMES GRAHAM.—The announcement of the violent death of this true solder and excellent man will cast a deep shadow over the feelings of all who knew him.  He was killed in the neighborhood of Fort Sedgwick, on the Plains, a few weeks ago, by a band of Sioux Indians.

            During Gen. Meredith's stay in our city, Capt. Graham was his A A. A. General.  At the close of the war he entered the regular army, belonging at the time of his death, to Capt. B. M. Morris' company, 4th U. S. Infantry.

            He leaves a wife, to whom, he was recently wedded, to mourn him.

Saturday, 18 Jan 1868:
The case of Clancy and Kelly, indicted for murder, was continued on the affidavit of the defendants.
Tuesday, 21 Jan 1868:
J. G. HUTCJHINSON DEAD.—We received ____ of our late fellow citizen, Mr. J. G. Hutchinson.  He died in ____ after a short illness, on Friday last.  Mr. Hutchinson was a practical printer, and a political writer of considerable ability.  The greater portion of his life was devoted to the printing business, he having established and for a time controlled no less than seven newspapers.  He was a man of good social qualities, manifesting at all times great warmth of friendship for members of the craft, taking a sincere pleasure in relieving the wants of the needy when in his power to do so.
A Plea for Jenny Rose.

            About two years ago Jenny Rose, a colored woman, was sentenced to the penitentiary for killing of her reputed husband, Aleck Rose, also a negro.  Her term of confinement was fixed at twenty years.
Sheriff Morgan, who left for Joliet yesterday, carries a petition addressed to his Excellency, the Governor, asking for executive clemency in Jenny's behalf, and this petition is signed by the leading officials, lawyers and citizens of
Cairo, all of whom were cognizant of the circumstances attending the homicide.  The petition represents that Aleck Rose was a desperate negro, and that his treatment of Jenny was brutal in the extreme, causing at least her partial derangement.  The opinion is expressed that the “taking off” of Aleck has already been sufficiently atoned for—an opinion in which we concur most heartily.

            Aleck Rose was a bad and dangerous negro, and we have no doubt that Jenny saved her own life by taking his.  Sooner or later he would have killed her.  This conviction was no doubt forced upon Jenny's mind, and greatly influenced her.  In common with the signers of the petition, we think the case presented calls for an exercise of executive clemency.
Wednesday, 29 Jan 1868:

            John H. Harney, the able editor of the Louisville Democrat, died on Sunday, last, at his home, and surrounded by his family.  He was born February 20, 1806, in Bourbon County, Kentucky.  In 1844 he took charge of the Louisville Democrat, at which time Kentucky was overwhelmingly Whig.  He leaves a widow and six children, three sons and three daughters, and numerous grand and great-grandchildren.  In a notice of the deceased, George D. Prentice, of the Louisville Journal says:

            His intellect was of a very noble order, clear, quick, rapid, and penetrating.  He saw with a keen glance and grasped with a strong hand the heart of his subject.  His fertility of resource was exhaustless.  He could treat the most difficult topics playfully and yet with the profoundest ability.  His controversial talent was a formidable weapon, but he adorned it with wit and grace, as soldiers on holidays place roses in the muzzles of their muskets.  His denunciation, when he was aroused to anger, was as caustic as frozen mercury.  In terseness and incisiveness and vigor of style, epigrammatic point, and keen antithesis, we do no know his superior, hardly his equal, in all the American press.  He was a brilliant ornament to the editorial profession.

            As a man, Mr. Harney was kind and just and true in all the relations of life.  He was a most genial disposition.  Though sometimes greatly sarcastic in his remarks, his heart was set to the music of friendship.  We do not know that he ever had a personal enemy, and we do not believe that he ever wished ill to any human being.  He desired the good of all.  He had his resentments, but they could not long live in his nature.  There was no bitterness in his soul.  Ah, many an ink drop did we shed against him in his life, but only tears are shed for him now.  We offer our heart's most earnest sympathy to the bereaved ones of his estimable and highly talented family, whose love was a halo around his deathbed, and will be a halo around his grave.

Thursday, 10 Jan 1868:
A Child Nearly Burned to Death.

Goose Island, Jan. 27, 1868.

            Editor Democrat:  The people of this town were called this morning to witness the most heart-rending scene that ever occurred in the neighborhood.

            This morning about 10 1/2 o'clock the child of a Mr. Jackson, living in this place, was frightfully burned while its mother was gone only a short distance for a bucket of water.  When found its clothes were burned nearly off and its face and hands terribly injured.  The cries of the little sufferer were heart rending, and not an eye in the room but was wet with tears.  The child is in the most excruciating agony.  It cannot possibly survive.
Yours truly

Friday, 31 Jan 1868:
KILLED.—The brother of Mrs. Dr. Dunning was shot and fatally wounded in
Memphis, on Tuesday last.

Tuesday, 11 Feb 1868:
Sudden and Distressing Death of a Stranger in the St. Charles Hotel.

            A well-dressed stranger, of genteel address, registered himself at the St. Charles Hotel, in this city, on Sunday, as _____ Black, of Dubuque, Iowa.  He had just returned from New Orleans, whither he had been on a tour for his health.  About one o’clock Sunday morning, he rang the bell of his room, and passing out to the hall, he saw the bellboy, and told him to “be quick.”  He then returned to his room, and commenced bleeding at the lungs.  The hemorrhage was most copious and violent.  Mr. Jewett Wilcox, one of the proprietors of the St. Charles, sleeping in a room directly across the hall, was awakened, and hastened to the room of the suffering stranger, but found him speechless.  He immediately dispatched a messenger for a physician.  Dr. Gerricke promptly responded to the summons; but within five minutes from the time of the attack, the stranger was a corpse.  The doctor and Mr. W. dressed the body, and upon examination found a letter upon his person that spoke of his connection with the “Dubuque Pilot's Association.”  Early Sunday morning Mr. Wilcox purposed telegraphing to the officers of that association for directions concerning the disposition of the body.  Happening to address Capt. Tibbles, of the steamer Ike Hammitt, who is a boarder in the hotel, respecting the sad occurrence, that gentleman quickly and with great emotion, responded; “My God! the man is my brother-in-law, and was in my room, conversing with his sister at a late hour last evening!”  The anguish of the sister when informed of the said event, was of the deepest and most poignant character.  The blow for the time, was of crushing effect, and plunged her into a grief that admitted of no consolation.

            The remains were taken in charge by Capt. Tibbles, and moved by him on the train, Sunday noon, for Dubuque, where the deceased's parents reside.

            The kind assistance and considerate attentions bestowed of that excellent gentleman, and were appreciated, as they should have been, by the distressed relatives.

            Mr. Black was about twenty-six years of age, a young man of fine appearance, and of good social standing in the community where he resided.  The death was the most sudden one of the kind we ever heard of.

            The only words spoken by the deceased after the attack were the monosyllables addressed to the bellboy “come quick.”  A moment afterwards he attempted to speak, but his powers of articulation were gone.  Most truly, “in the midst of life we are in death.”  The dread angel often comes, without warning, when and where he is least expected.

A CASE OF FOETICIDE.—One J. Baldwin Duff, generally known in Cairo as a theatrical character of very ordinary merit, and a druggist's clerk of small pretensions, is in the hands of the New Orleans authorities, charged with the production of an abortion in the case of one Angeline LeRoy, a quadroon girl, and the death of the child thus prematurely brought into the world.  The fetus, if it may be so called, was found a few days ago, among a lot of empty hogsheads on the premises of a Mr. Powell.  The
New Orleans Crescent says that the mother of Miss LeRoy called upon Duff, who passes as a doctor, to treat the girl for something resulting from pregnancy, the cause of which was not at the time known by the old lady.  The abortion is believed to have been produced by him, and the issue made way with as above stated.

            When the jury of inquest was assembled on Thursday, the coroner was asked by one of the jurors who or what the man Duff was.  Dr. Bradford replied that he knew nothing of the man himself, but in the course of the investigation he had thought proper to call upon the chief of police, who had informed him that Duff was reputed to have been connected with an abortion establishment, which was broken up about a year ago, and which was referred to in the newspaper at the time.

            With the evidence before the jury, they found that “one Angeline LeRoy, a quadroon girl, is the mother of said fetus, and that one J. Baldwin Duff is guilty of malpractice in the case, in making an examination with a probe.”

            The law is that if any woman shall endeavor privately, by drowning, or by secret burying to conceal the issue of her body, whether that issue come into the world alive or not, such woman shall suffer imprisonment for a period not less than five years and not more than fifteen years.  And it is enacted that whoever shall feloniously administer “any drug, potion, ore any other thing to a woman for the purpose of procuring premature delivery, etc.” shall be imprisoned at hard labor for a period not less than one year and not more than ten years.

            (Angela LeRoy and J. B. Duff are in the 1860 and 1870 federal censuses of Louisiana.  Angela was born 1853 in Louisiana and lived in Natchitoches Co., Louisiana, with her parents, Carlos and Harriet LeRoy.  She was listed as a mulatto.  Joshua Baldwin Duff was born 3 Jul 1846 in Louisiana and lived in Ward 2 in New Orleans in 1860 and in Ward 4 in 1870.  His occupation was listed as physician in 1870.)



Wednesday, 12 Feb 1868:
The sailor Hargrove, implicated in the Russel murder case, was in town Thursday, for the purpose of receiving his discharge from the navy.  After obtaining his discharge he was remanded back to jail, to await his trial on a charge of rape.  Our talented young lawyer, Mr. J. B. Crandall, is engaged as his counsel.
DIED, At his residence in this city, at
4 o'clock, yesterday evening, Henry Barringer, aged 62 years, of asthma.  Mr. Barringer was an old citizen of Cairo, a devout Mason, and a deserving man.  His remains will be taken in charge by the fraternity to which he belonged.
Friday, 14 Feb 1868:
The remains of Mr. Henry Barringer were taken to Villa Ridge yesterday for interment, in charge of the Masonic fraternity, of which order he was a faithful and devoted member.
At a Lodge of Sorrow, convened at the hall of Cairo Lodge No. 237 A. F. & A. M. on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 3, A. L. 5868, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted viz:
WHEREAS, It has pleased the Supreme Architect, to summon from his labors upon earth our beloved brother, Henry Barringer, calling him by his Omnipotent will to that judgment which waits all who are toiling in this earthly temple, and
WHEREAS, the Masonic ties which have so long bound us in mutual friendship and enjoyment to our departed friend are severed, no more to be reunited until the day when the grave shall yield up its dead, therefore,

            Resolved, That we sincerely mourn this disruption of covenanted friendship, being in tender remembrance his fidelity to Masonry, and his devotion to the principles it inculcated.

            Resolved, That we earnestly sympathize with the relatives and friends of our deceased brother, and tender them that consolation which the world can neither give no take away and that we will wear the usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days.

            Resolved, That a copy of this preamble and resolutions be delivered to the family of our deceased brother, and inserted in the city papers.
John McEwen,
A. H. Irwin,
G. T. Cushing, Committee
Charles Forrest, Sec'y

Saturday, 15 Feb 1868:
Pope Conyers, the Terror of
Southeast Missouri, Shot Dead in His Tracks.

            Ever since the outbreak of the war, Southeast Missouri has been infested by a gang of horse thieves, guerillas, and desperadoes.  Chief among this clan of villains was one Pope Conyers, known as the most fearless, bloodthirsty and desperate rascals that ever disgraced the form of man.  After the close of the war he and his fellows preserved their organization, to prey upon the property of their neighbors.  One by one his confederates met a just doom being killed at the hands of citizens whom they had outraged.  The news now reaches us that Pope Conyers the last surviving villain, has come to a violent end.  His forte was horse stealing.  Could his biography be written it would furnish incidents of personal peril, wonderful escapes, deeds of blood and cruelty, we might look in vain for in the career of the most desperate Italian brigand that ever lived.  He has shot down his fellow man without the least compunction, and often needlessly.

            The Commerce Dispatch, speaking of this lawless character, says that the impunity with which he committed his thefts and deeds of violence finally induced the Governor to offer a reward of $200 for his body, dead or alive. Although Conyers made no effort to conceal himself, no person or party of persons ever thought it “healthy” to undertake his capture.  The unfailing precision of his aim was known.  He always went heavily armed and was never caught napping.  He enjoyed the freedom of a wide range of country and dealt in horses and mules with the same daring openness after the reward was offered that he did before.

            In course of time it happened, however, that Conyers made a raid upon the wrong stable, viz:  that of Mr. Halloway, of New Madrid County.  This gentleman made pursuit, and shortly after crossing the borders of Arkansas, he found his mules in the possession of an innocent party.  Of course, he identified and recovered his property.  The neighbors, feeling justly exasperated, formed a pursuing party and started out.  After a search of a day or two, they passed a man on the road who was engaged in the erection of a log hut, but not recognizing him as the redoubtable horse thief, rode on.  By extending inquiries, they soon learned that the cabin builder was Pope Conyers himself!  They quietly and celeritously returned, and investing the desperado, called upon him to surrender.  His revolver was lying upon a log several yards distant.  For this he made a dash, and to the demand for a surrender he answered with a bullet.  Both parties commenced firing, but the pursuers understanding Conyer's method of firing—that he never moved his arm after extending it—threw themselves forward so that his balls passed over their heads.  He stood his ground until his revolver was discharged, then topped over and instantly expired.  Upon examination, his body was found to contain four balls, either one of which would have proved fatal.  One of the desperado’s balls cut through the ear of one of the pursuing party, but beyond that, no injury was sustained by any of them.  What disposition was made of his body we did not learn.
The people of Southeast Missouri, even those living within sight of Cairo, feel that they are now relieved of a fiend in human shape, whose hands were stained with the blood of more than a score of victims—of a monster that created a feeling of insecurity, if not dread, in every community embraced within the scope of his operations.  We rejoice with them over his violent “taking off”—over the sluggard justice that has at last overtaken him.
Saturday, 22 Feb 1868:
LAST ILLNESS OF ALDERMAN SMITH.—The many friends of Mr. Pat Smith, of the Fourth Ward, will be pained to learn that he is on a bed of sickness which he will never leave alive.  Yesterday evening he was fluctuating between life and earth—not being expected to live an hour.  By this time he is undoubtedly no more.

            Mr. Smith filled the position of Alderman very creditably, and is known as a clever, honest man.
Thursday afternoon his little boy, William Patrick Smith, died after an illness of four days.  The body of the child is being kept, that it may be interred with that of its father.

Tuesday, 25 Feb 1868:
Supposed to be Concealed Within 25 miles of
$500 Offered for His Apprehension.

            William Return Maulsby, the murderer of John Sikes, broke jail at Commerce, Missouri, on the morning of the 23rd inst. and escaped across the river into Illinois.  He is now supposed to be concealed in the woods above and within twenty five miles of this city, and will undoubtedly attempt to make good his escape by way of the Illinois Central Railroad at some of the small stations this side of Anna, during the present week.  He can easily be identified; is of small stature, weighs about 125 pounds, slightly stooped shouldered, a bright quick eyes, sallow countenance, long hair and whiskers both tinged with gray, and is aged about 45 years.

            Five hundred dollars will be paid for his delivery at Commerce.  There is with Maulsby, a horse thief named Ashley.  He is tall and slim, with long dark hair and aged about 30 years.  Fifty dollars will be paid for his apprehension.


Thursday, 27 Feb 1868:
Death of Alderman Smith.

            We announced, a few days ago, that Mr. Patrick Smith, Alderman form the Fourth Ward, was laying at the point of death.  He rallied somewhat, or for a day or two slight hopes were entertained of his final recovery; but he commenced sinking again Tuesday night, and about half past 3 o'clock yesterday breathed his last.

            We sorrow with the family and friends of Mr. Smith, deeply and sincerely.  He was an honest, conscientious man, a good husband and a firm friend.

            His body will be taken to Villa Ridge on Friday p.m. for burial.  The friends of the family are invited to attend.
Friday, 28 Feb 1868:
BURIAL OF ALDERMAN SMITH.—The remains of Mr. Patrick Smith, whose death we noticed yesterday, will be taken to Villa Ridge for interment, on the regular train this afternoon.  The friends of the family are invited to be present and to participate in the last sad respects to the deceased.

            The City Council met last night, and adopted the resolutions of respect and condolence published in another part of the Democrat.  Every acquaintance of the family heartily join in this evidence of respect.

            [Note by the Webmaster. The Resolutions of Respect by the City Council were printed in the same issue] 


Wednesday, 11 Mar 1868:
A miner by the name of Hugh Clark was killed near Tamaroa, on Saturday, last, by the descending lever of a handcar, upon which he was at the time riding.  The lever struck him on the head, creating a concussion that proved fatal in a few hours.

Friday, 13 Mar 1868:
A man in
Saline County named Eaton, drank a pint of whisky, one day last week, under the impression that he had been bitten by a poisonous reptile, which had fallen into his bosom from a rotten chunk which he had carried on his shoulder.  The fact that the enormous dose of whisky killed him is taken as evidence that the reptile did not bite him, or that, if it did, its bite was not poisonous.  This item is communicated to us by a friend in Stone Fort, who, we are glad to observe, is exerting himself in the interest of the Cairo Democrat.

Friday, 20 Mar 1868:
A Little Negro Girl Burned to Death.

In a building recently erected on the Mississippi Levee, resides a colored family by the name of Davis.  Yesterday afternoon the father and mother left the premises to resume outdoor work several hundred yards distant, leaving the child alone in the house.  Shortly afterwards the attention of a neighboring negro girl was attracted by the cries of the child, but concluding that it was simply indulging in a crying fit, aggravated by a fall or spanking, made no immediate investigation of the matter.  The cries, however, continued—grew fiercer and more alarming.  The girl finally repaired to the house and upon entering the door saw the little creature lying on the floor, her clothing almost entirely burned from her body and her flesh burned to an ashy crisp.  The alarm was at once given, the father and mother recalled, but too late to furnish any relief to the little sufferer.  Living an hour or two in the most horrid agony, the child died.  As the parents left no fire in the house when they left it, it is conjectured that the little girl found the matches, and by lighting them communicated fire to her clothing, which being of cotton, were speedily consumed.  This conjecture is strengthened by the fact that several matches were found scattered about the floor.

Sunday, 22 Mar 1868:
Capt. Prather, the commander of the Magnolia, was asleep in his room in the
Texas at the time of the disaster, and it is probable that being killed instantly, his body was blown into the river and lost.  Miss Reba French, the daughter of J. E. French, of Mason Co., Ky., was at the time of the explosion, sitting upon the hurricane roof, near the chimney, conversing with a gentleman.  When the latter became conscious he found himself struggling in the water and was rescued by some parties in a skiff.  Miss French was not seen afterwards.  It is feared that the total number of killed will foot up to not less than fifty.  The cause of the explosion remains a mystery.  The boat, at the time, was carrying ten pounds less steam than her certificate entitled her to.

Saturday, 28 Mar 1868:
Died at
Caledonia, Ills., March 23d, 1868, James M. Timmons, in the 56th year of his age.
Mr. Timmons was one of the oldest residents of Pulaski County, having resided there for more than 36 years.

He was a soldier in the Black Hawk War, was enlisted at Columbia, S.C., and discharged at Jonesboro, Ill., and from there came to Pulaski County, where he married the daughter of Mr. Echols, who is the sister of the late Joseph Echols, of Dyersburg, Tenn., and mother of the wife of our fellow townsman, G. E. Olmsted, Esq. He was known by all as an industrious, good citizen, a kind friend, and an honest man.  During his last illness he frequently expressed himself as ready and willing to die, and as having a confidence that his peace was made with his God.

(James M. Timmons married Nancy Echols, on 25 Aug 1833, at the house of Jesse Echols, in Alexander Co., Ill.)

Thursday, 31 Mar 1868:
Esquire Bross' little child was interred at Villa Ridge on Sunday afternoon.  A large concourse of friends accompanied the remains.
Sudden and Distressing Death.

We were pained to learn, on Sunday evening, the details of the sudden death of Mrs. Greenlee, wife of ex-Sheriff Orsamus Greenlee, resident of the county during the past twenty-five or thirty years.  Mrs. Greenlee had been in the city several days, stopping at the house of an acquaintance.  She came in to undergo a dental operation, and while in the hands of the dentist, on Saturday evening, was taken violently ill.  In less than twenty-four hours she was a corpse.  A messenger was immediately dispatched for Mr. Greenlee, but when he arrived he found her insensible, and she died without reviving or recognizing him.  The cause of her death was undoubtedly congestive chill.  Mrs. Greenlee was a niece of our fellow citizen, Miles W. Parker.  She was born and raised in this county, being at the time of her death, about forty years of age.  Her body was conveyed for interment to Goose Island yesterday.

(Oresamus Greenlee married Sarah Parker, on 30 Mar 1851, in Alexander Co., Ill.)

Wednesday, 1 Apr 1868:
Man Killed Instantly.

We were informed, yesterday, that Henderson Palmer, a resident of Clear Creek Precinct, came to a most violent death last week, being killed instantly.  He was engaged in rafting saw logs, and while forming his raft in Sandy Creek, a large log on the inclination above him started, and with the swiftness of a dart came flying down the declivity, catching Mr. Palmer in its sweep and passing entirely over him.  When picked up he was dead.

What renders this occurrence peculiarly distressing is the fact that Mr. Palmer leaves a wife and six small children, who were entirely dependent upon his labor for a livelihood.  The grief of the wife, at the sight of the dead body, which was imprudently carried to the house in advance of information of the sad event, is described as heartrending in the extreme.

Mr. Palmer was one of the School Directors of District No. 2, Township 14 Range 3, and was esteemed as a hard working, upright man.
HOW IT WAS.—Lest some one who is in the habit of manufacturing horrors out of the most trivial circumstances, should construe our remark in yesterday's paper that Mrs. Greenlee (who died in this city on Sunday) “took sick while in the hands of the dentist” into a charge that the dentist killed her, we desire to say:  First, that Mrs. G. undoubtedly died of a congestive chill; Secondly, that she did not, as stated, take sick while under treatment by the dentist; and thirdly, that she visited the dentist that he might have a cast of her mouth to enable him to prepare for her a set of teeth, her own teeth having been extracted several weeks before.  It surprises us that there is any occasion for the foregoing paragraph.  Most certainly the actual words and essence of our notice of Mrs. G's death, did not furnish it.
Wild Stories Among the Negroes.

A number of years ago there lived in Cairo a dark-skinned, masculine old woman of supernatural endurance, named Mrs. Williams.  During an interval of about fifteen years she cooked on the wharf boat at our landing—associating the while with nobody, drinking her strong gin toddy by herself, swearing like a trooper at wrongs imagined or real, and having but very little in common with the human race.  This peculiar old woman died, about ten years ago, leaving on Seventh street a desolate-looking, unfinished two-story frame house.

During the old woman’s life a number of negroes believed her to be a witch.  Since her death all the negroes who knew her are thoroughly convinced of the fact—her death itself being taken as conclusive evidence thereof.  It was a matter of choice with her to live or die, and she died, we are assured, because she was getting old and was troubled about getting “truck” to live on.

The house erected by the old lady has been remodeled, so that the original shape and appearance no longer exist, but the timbers are there, and many of them in the very spot where the old woman herself nailed them.  This is enough to identify the place as the late earthly abode of the queer old Mrs. Williams

Negroes living in the vicinity, most solemnly and religiously aver that the building is still the object of her attentions.  Twice within the past ten days, the old lady, habited in her grave clothes, has been seen, perched upon the top of the chimney stack, deliberately smoking her pipe, and taking, occasionally, a mournful survey of the neighborhood.  She walks around on the neighboring air, noiselessly and with ease, and when she leaves she simply “goes out.”  And the queer old creature has not given over her devotion to the washtub.  On sundry occasions she has been seen, before the break of day, in the backyard of her late premises, industriously engaged over the washing tub, masking the water and suds splash and fly around as she was wont to do before she pout off her mortal.  Last Sunday night a Negro woman returning from church, saw the old woman sitting in the front door.  She looked “kind o’ pale and said nothin’ only woe to the colored people.”  This same Negro woman has seen her walk the comb of the house, disappear with the sound of rushing wind down the chimney, and then reappear with a light glowing about her head, at the windows.  The truth is, if full reliance can be placed on all the reports concerning the old lady, we are not sure but she is entitled to the attentions of the police.  There are scores of Negroes who will swear that they have repeatedly seen her in the positions described by us, and as their testimony is admissible in courts of justice, who dare say there is a possibility of mistake or delusion.”

Thursday, 2 Apr 1868:
DIED.  On Monday last, at his residence three miles west of
Jonesboro, George Kimmel, Sr.   Mr. Kimmel was one of the pioneers of Union County who went there while the red man of the forest yet camped upon the hill, and slaked his thirst of the springs adjacent to Jonesboro; while the valleys now verdant with growing grain, and the hills now thickly set with the finest fruit trees, were as wild as the buffalo and deer that roamed at pleasure over them.  He was an honest and upright man, and had, by dint of industry and economy, accumulated quite a fortune.  Religiously, he allied himself with no church, but was known as a “Free-thinker.”  Politically, Democratic, he believed in maintaining the Constitution, and always voted the straight unscratched ticket.  The loss of such a man is a public calamity.
Sunday, 5 Apr 1868:
A Ku-Kluxer was killed near
Hickman, Ky., the other day, while in a state of somnolency.  His name was Elliott.  A man by the name of Matthews dealt him a violent blow over the head with a revolver, from which he died in a few minutes.
Wednesday, 8 Apr 1868:
AND KILLED.—We learn that Mr. George Clarke, formerly a pilot on the transit steamer Gen. Anderson, was shot and killed one day last week, at Cottonwood Point, Missouri.  The details of the affair we could not learn.  The body passed through this city last Sunday, for some point North.
Thursday, 9 Apr 1868:
NOT DEAD—On the authority of Madame Rumor, who is responsible for a very few of the items that appear in the Democrat, we stated the other day that one George Clark, late a pilot on the transit steamer General Anderson, was recently shot and killed at Cottonwood Point, Missouri, and that his body, en route North, for burial, passed through this city on Sunday last.  On the account of Mr. George Clark we are glad to say, authoritatively, the he is not the dead man in question.  We are assured that he is alive and fresh as a daisy.  This assurance comes from a letter from is own hand, bearing date one day after the shooting affair to which his “taking off” is ascribed, and addressed to _____, well, no difference to whom.  The body was that of a Mr. Clark, of Point Pleasant, en route for Lawrenceburg, Indiana.
Four Men Seriously Hurt

On Monday one of the boilers in the large sawmill owned by Messrs. Soule & Co., and located on the bank of Cache River at Ullin, exploded with a deafening report, scattering the timbers of the mill in every direction and seriously injured four of the hands employed therein.  The cause of this disaster has not been fully investigated, but is charged to the very common practice of employing in saw mills old boilers that are esteemed unfit for anything else.  A half-minute before the explosion occurred the engineer passed along the side of the boilers, having just tested the water therein and finding it sufficient.  He had arrived at the rear end of the mill, when hearing the explosion, he dropped upon his face and escaped unharmed, although the air was fairly darkened above him with flying, whizzing brick and timber.  The employees in the forward part of the mill, however, did not escape so well.  Mr. Soule, brother of one of the proprietors, was so badly scalded and otherwise injured that all hopes of his recovery are given over.  He no doubt inhaled a large quantity of the scalding steam.  He was picked up from among the rubbish with very little evidence of life remaining, but soon rallied so as to be conscious of his misery.  Another white man and two Negroes were also injured, but not mortally.  They are all under medical treatment; their chief injuries being from the scalding steam.

The noise of the explosion called the entire village to the spot, and for a time the utmost excitement prevailed.  The wreck was saved from burning by prompt action on the part of the villagers.  The damages sustained amounts, we understand, to about $1,500, but this will be promptly replaced, and the establishment put in operation again.

Second Day's Proceedings.

The People etc. vs. Van R. Hall, manslaughter, witnesses recognized and trial set for next Monday.

The People vs. Michael Clancey and Robert Kelly, murder, jury called and several witnesses examined; trial still in progress.

Friday, 10 Apr 1868:
MURDER CASE.—The case of the People vs. Kelley and Robert Clancy, charged with murder, occupied all the day yesterday, and was given to the jury in the evening.  A short time after the jury retired they asked permission to render a separate verdict as to one of the accused, and reserve the verdict as to the other.  This permission the court refused.

Sunday, 12 Apr 1868:
NOT REFUSED.—In referring to the trial of Kelly and Clancy for murder, we stated, on the authority of an attorney, that the jury asked permission to return into court separate verdicts, and that the court refused to grant the permission.  This is a mistake.  The jury, through their officer, inquired if they could find a verdict as to one and return that into court, and then retire and consider as to the other.  Even this was not refused.  The court simply omitted at the time to return an answer.  Because the jury did not at once act under the permission our informant thought it had been withheld.

Tuesday, 14 Apr 1868:
The case of The People vs. Van R. Hall, for killing of Theodore Manien, was called at
2 o'clock, and the whole afternoon was consumed in selecting a jury.  The panels were exhausted before twelve men could be found who were not aliens, not acting members of fire companies, and who had formed no opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the accused.  This case will consume the whole of today.


The Paducah Herald says:  “Our community has suffered a great loss in the death of that excellent Christian gentleman, Dr. William B. Moores, principal of the Paducah Female Seminary.  He was a gentleman of fine acquirements, and filled the station to which he was called most worthily and satisfactorily.

Wednesday, 15 Apr 1868:
The telegraph announces the death of Mr. William Johnson, one of the ablest machinists in the West.  He died at
Madison, Indiana, last Monday.  Mr. Johnson put up the machinery of the Richmond and a number of other fine boats.
The opening speech of Judge Mulkey, yesterday, before the jury empanelled to try Van Rensalaer Hall for manslaughter, was a masterly effort.  The Judge avowed himself deeply affected by the character of the case, and he certainly succeeded in inspiring a large portion of the hearers with the same spirit. 

[Note by the Webmaster.  A long report of the trial of Van R. Hall appeared in the same paper.  His acquittal, of which the editor was highly critical, was reported on Friday, 17 April. Interested readers may consult the appropriate Daily Democrat microfilm.]


Friday, 17 Apr 1868:
DIED, In this city,
April 16th, 1868, Mrs. Eunetia Candee, in the 66th year of her age.  Funeral service at her late residence, corner of Washington avenue and Fourth street, at one o'clock p.m. today (Friday).

DEATH OF ISAAC VANAUSDOL.—Died in Columbus, Kentucky, of congestion of the lungs, on the 8th inst., Mr. Isaac Vanausdol, in the 57th year of his age.  Cincinnati Chronicle and Enquirer, please copy.

Mr. Vanausdol was born in the city of Cincinnati, on the 12th day of September 1812, and during the greater portion of his life resided in that city.  He has there, as well as here, hundreds of friends who will receive the announcement of his death with evidences of unfeigned sorrow.  Old residents of all parts of Hamilton County will recollect him as an indefatigable Democrat, who, about election times, was felt as well as known.  He was a generous-hearted man, of large social qualities, and leaves a vacancy in the circle of which he moved that will scarcely be filled.  Farewell to Ike.  May he rest in peace.
DEATH OF MRS. EUNETIA CANDEE.—The announcement of the death of Mrs. Candee, at about
11 o'clock yesterday forenoon, although scarcely unexpected, served to cast a gloom over the feelings of the entire community.  She had been slowly yielding to the inroads of disease for many years, and during the past year was too feeble to leave her dwelling.

During a period of a quarter of a century Mrs. Candee has been a resident of Cairo, and of Southern Illinois even a longer time.  Her brother, Miles A. Gilbert, has for many years been identified with Cairo, taking an active part in the upbuilding of the city, and of this end of the State.
Mrs. Candee, at the time of her death, was, we suppose, about 55 years of age.  She survived her husband many years, and lived to see her family well settled in life.  Noted for her piety, charity, and man excellencies as a wife and mother, she passed peacefully away to a sweeter rest.

The family have the unfeigned sympathies of the entire community.

Saturday, 18 Apr 1868:
The remains of Mrs. Candee, attended by the family and a number of friends, were taken to
Blue Island for interment.  To this place the remains of Mr. S. H. Candee, her husband, and Willie Candee, her son, were removed from the old Cairo burying ground.

Sunday, 19 Apr 1868:
A GOOD SOLDIER GONE.—Colonel Dougherty, who, at the head of his regiment, fought so nobly at Belmont, losing a leg, and finally falling into the hands of the enemy, died on the 7th inst., in Carlyle, Clinton County.

Colonel Dougherty was well known to many of our citizens and to neighboring residents in Missouri, and commanded the respect of all of them as a soldier and liberal-minded man.  If he was not a staunch Democrat he should have been, for, in sentiment, appearance and action, he was just what all Democrats were and should be.

Tuesday, 21 Apr 1868:
CAIRO DROWNED.—We were informed yesterday of the drowning of Mr. Edward Murphy, for sometime past a resident of Cairo, but whose parents reside in Baltimore.  He fell from the towboat Mary Alice, at Pawpaw Island, on the 13th inst., and despite all exercises to rescue him, drowned.  His body was not recovered.
Thursday, 23 Apr 1868:
DIED—In this city, last evening, at
six o'clock of pneumonia, Jean Bouchet, aged 35 years.  He leaves a widow and four children to mourn their loss.

Funeral from his late residence on Cedar Street, between Eighth and Ninth at half past one o'clock this afternoon.  The remains will be taken to Villa Ridge by the two and a half o'clock train.  His friends and those of this brother-in-law, F. Vincent, are respectfully invited to attend.

Friday, 24 Apr 1868:
SUICIDE OF A YOUNG LADY.—Miss Alice Purdy, aged about sixteen years, of an amiable disposition and rather prepossessing appearance, and a niece of our late fellow-citizen, Mr. John Cheek, committed suicide a few days ago by drowning herself in the Ohio River, near North Bend.  No cause is assigned for the rash act.  She left him, in company with a little girl, in her usual flow of spirits, without giving out a word or sign as to her purpose.  Arriving near the river she handed the little girl a note, addressed to a young man to whom she was engaged to be married, and requested her to deliver it.  She beseeched the young man not to think hard of her, made it known that she was only carrying out a purpose she had for some time entertained, and, bidding him a “long farewell,” closed.  Her body has not been recovered.


[Webmaster’s Note: This issue and that of 28 April contain an account of the suit of Mrs. A. F Hutchinson against the Illinois Central Railroad for the death of her husband, caused by cars of the railroad in November 1867.  Mrs. Hutchinson’s suit resulted in a $4,583.33   judgment in her favor, which the editor regarded as “eminently wise and just.”  Those interested in full details may consult the Cairo Daily Democrat microfilm.]

Saturday, 25 Apr 1868:
A Young Man Hangs Himself to a Tree.

There was quite a sensation created in the neighboring village of Dongola, on Monday last, by the announcement that the body of a young man named William Reed had been found in the woods, about two miles and a half from town, suspended by a rope from a tree.  The young man had arrived from Bollinger County, Missouri, about six months previous, leaving a brother and sister living in that locality.  From the appearance of the body, the rash act had been committed within a few days, but for what reason nobody knew.  He had never given any intimations of such a purpose, and if he had any deep griefs or serious troubles, he kept them to himself.  As there are no probabilities or conjectures of foul play, the suspension of the body entirely clear of the ground, can be explained only by the supposition that the desperate young man climbed up the tree, adjusted the rope around his neck, and then jumped off.  If the Cape Girardeau papers will copy this notice it may reach the deceased's relatives.
The Death of Mr. Siphoreas Delaney was announced several days ago.  He died in the family of a friend on Twentieth Street, in this city, after an illness of only forty-eight hours.  Mr. Delaney was one of the oldest citizens of the county, and recently filled the position of County Surveyor.  He stood firmly by the Democratic faith, which he took in, comparatively speaking, with his mother's milk, when his country friends all around him abandoned their colors, and were absorbed by the Union League.  He was in social and business as well as in political life, an honest man, and will be remembered as such long after his mortal part shall have returned to its mother earth.

(Sephorious Delaney married Jane McCamey on 30 Nov 1837, in Alexander Co., Ill.)
Tuesday, 28 Apr 1868:
A Boy Choked to Death

The details of a most remarkable occurrence, by which a young man named Dick McCord,  resident of Ballard County, lost his life, were related to us yesterday.  A more singular happening we have never been called upon to record.

The young man McCord was in the service of a farmer who resides in the vicinity of Woodville, about twenty or twenty-five miles distant from Cairo, and having charge of the team, went to the stable to harness a mule, for which he had immediate use.  While in the act of placing the collar over the mule’s head the animal became alarmed at something, and springing back and forth in its stall, threw the halter in the shape of a noose about the young man’s neck.  Time passing, the farmer became annoyed at the young man’s delay, and called to him repeatedly to hasten his work and come on.  Receiving no reply, he finally repaired to the stable, where, much to his horror, he found the body of the young man dead upon the floor, with the halter, as described, about his neck.  This brought to his mind that he had heard the voice of young McCord, but not understanding the call, gave it no heed.  From this, it is argued, that the moment the young man was caught, he screamed for help until the cord became so tightened as to prevent articulation.  His knife, found on the floor, shows that he had thought of cutting himself loose, but it is probable that he became insensible before he had time to use it.  The young man has relatives and friends residing in this part of Illinois who can probably learn further particulars by addressing the Postmaster at Woodville.  The occurrence took place about ten days ago.
Death of Mrs. William Dougherty.

Many of the old settlers of Cairo, as well as a large circle of friends in Pulaski County, will receive the announcements of the death of Mrs. William Dougherty, of Mound City, with evidences of unfeigned sorrow.  For a number of months, Mrs. D., has been confined to her bed by what her physicians, for a long while, treated as an affection of the liver.  A few weeks before her death, however, (which occurred on the 23d) her disease developed itself as a very aggravating case of consumption.  Mrs. D., at the time of her death, was twenty-nine years of age—was a lady respected and loved for all those gentle and sympathetic qualities of head and heart that distinguished the benevolent and Christian woman.  With ill-will for none of God's creatures, she tried to live as became a Christian mother, making her sphere of action her own home with her husband and children, but enlarging that sphere when required in the name of charity.  Of a gentle, amiable disposition, cheerful herself and cheering others as she could, she will be sadly missed in the community where she lived, and deeply and deservedly mourned by a devoted husband, and by children, of enough to appreciate the crushing truth that, in this world, they shall never more know a mother.
Sunday, 3 May 1868:
A BEAUTIFUL TOKEN OF RESPECT.—The steamer Belle Memphis arrived here yesterday with flags and streamers at half mast and trimmed throughout in mourning as a token of respect for recent commander Capt. Dan Musselman, whose death is announced in another place.

Death of Capt. Dan Musselman

Thousands and tens of thousands of persons, afloat and ashore, will receive with manifestations of extreme sorrow, and announcement of the death of Capt. Dan Musselman, late of the St. Louis and Memphis packet steamer, Belle Memphis. He died of that loathsome disease, dropsy, at Boden Springs, Alabama, on Wednesday evening, last the 29th of April. His remains en route for St. Louis for interment will arrive here this evening on board the Belle St. Louis.

Capt. Musselman enjoyed a reputation as an experienced, systematic and successful river man, second to that of no other gentleman of the times. Of fine qualities, a most genial, and obliging disposition, he commanded the respect of all, with whom he came in contact; and exact, yet liberal, in all his business transactions, no name stood higher in business circles than his. As time passes many men will come upon, and disappear from, the stage of action, yet years and decades may go by before another Belle Memphis under another Dan Musselman, will be known to the thousands who people the banks of the rivers between Louisville, Memphis, and St. Louis.

A wife and two children who survive him, command the sincerest sympathies of his hosts of friends, for these friends, can, in a measure, realize the severity of the great bereavement that has overtaken them. 



Monday, 4 May 1868:

Albert Acley Dead.  Mr. Albert Acley, contractor for the carpenter work on the Fourth Ward School House, left Cairo in March, in a very critical state of health, expecting the change would operate to his advantage.  The news reached the city the other day that he died a week or two previous, at a point in Indiana known as French Lick Springs.  Before leaving Cairo he placed Mr. Perry Carnahan in charge of his work on the school building, so there will be no delay in that quarter.  Mr. Acley's real name was Albert Acland Macksworthy.

Wednesday, 6 May 1868:
Aaron Yearwood, Sr., an old gentleman well known in this place (
Mount Vernon) met with quite a serious accident on Wednesday morning last.  Whilst hitching up his horses, one of them became frightened and precipitated him over the tongue of the wagon, and falling upon a stone dislocated his hip.  He is quite an old man and fears are entertained that he will not recover.

Thursday, 7 May 1868:
A Floater.

The dead body of a soldier, believed to be one of the two who deserted from Mound City a short time since, was picked up in the river and the point, this morning, and the coroner duly informed of the fact.  Information was sent to Mound City, it is said, of the finding of the body, and the word was returned that it was probably the marine who had deserted, and that they had no further use for him.  His drowning is believed to have been accidental.
Death of Dr. C. S. Perkins.

The report reached the city this morning that Dr. C. S. Perkins, formerly of Cairo, died on the 24th ultimo, at the residence of his sister in Lebanon, Indiana.  During the last year of the doctor's residence in Cairo he was sorely afflicted with that loathsome of all loathsome diseases, dropsy, at times being considered at the point of death.  Restored in measure, he accepted an appointment from the city as quarantine physician; in which place the quaint and peculiar clearances he gave to passing steamers gave him quite a notoriety.  Shortly after leaving Cairo he took a relapse, his terrible disease renewing its hold upon him with increased vigor.  Hoping to secure at least temporary relief in Cincinnati, he started for that city, but reaching Lebanon he was unable to proceed, and stopping there, in a few days he died.
Monday, 18 May 1868:
The Commerce Dispatch says that on Saturday last the little child of Cyrus Witherow, of that village, wandered off, and the most persistent search failed to reveal its whereabouts.  As it was seen last playing on the bank of the river, the conclusion is irresistible that it fell into the water and was drowned.

Tuesday, 19 May 1868:
Boy Lost.

Fears are entertained for the safety of John Henry King, son of Andrew King, a youth of about eleven years, who left the St. Charles about three o'clock yesterday p.m.  The most diligent inquiries have been extended in every direction without eliciting any tidings of him.  At the time of leaving he expressed a determination to visit the Alice Dean, lying at our wharf, and examine the calliope.  Any information of his whereabouts will be most gratefully received by his father, who is greatly alarmed at his absence.

Wednesday, 20 May 1868
From the Jacksonport (
Ark.) Herald.

One of the most cold-blooded and aggravated murders that has ever transpired in this country, occurred last Tuesday about nine miles from this place, in the Carter-Williams settlement.  The murderer's name is Stevens, and that of his victim Jake Harrington.  The parties had a fist and skull fight, in which he was badly damaged.  Both of them living at Williams' and being almost constantly thrown in each other's company, they had agreed to let the matter drop and say no more about it.  But Stevens had no such intention, as the sequel will show, and only awaited a favorable opportunity to execute his murderous idea, which took place on Tuesday evening.

Harrington and a man named Noonan were building a fence together and while quietly at work Stevens came upon them, armed with a double-barreled gun and a repeater, and inquired if there were any squirrels about there.  They told him they had seen none.  Stevens then remarked that he was riding the finest horse in the State, and while Harrington had a roll on this shoulder, and his back to Stevens, he was shot, five buck shot lodging in his back.  Harrington then jumped over the fence and started through the woods.  Stevens dismounted and followed him about fifty yards, then came back mounted his horse and headed Harrington off by riding around the field.  Upon meeting him he fired the remaining barrel of his gun but missed, then drawing his repeater he dashed upon him and shot him in the shoulder, the ball ranging down.  Harrington fell and while he was down was shot in the bowels and left shoulder.  The murderer then got down from his horse and clubbed the pistol to knock his helpless victim on the head, who begged him not to bruise him, as he was bound to die, and to let him alone.  Stevens then took Harrington upon his horse, and carried him about one hundred yards out into the woods and taking his saddle blanket, made a pillow for his head and laid him down upon it, and then left him, saying he would tell Noonan where he could find him.  Harrington, with a will almost incredible to relate, got up, all mangled and bleeding, and started for Mr. Cromwell's house, about a half mile distant.  He was taken in and Doctor Green sent for, who did all that could be done, but without avail.  He died the next evening.  Stevens is still at large, and no steps have been taken to secure his arrest by the authorities.  Both Stevens and Harrington were from Illinois, and had not been in this county more than six months.

Wednesday, 20 May 1868:
John Henry King Lost—Information Wanted

It is feared that John Henry King, son of Alexander King, has come to a violent end, by drowning, as his disappearance cannot otherwise be accounted for.  He was about eleven years of age, dark hair and eyes, and when he left the St. Charles Hotel, where he was employed, he had on a dark cloth jacket, blue jeans pants and leather shoes.  He may be identified beyond doubt by a large scar from a scald on the rear side of his head and neck.  Information respecting his body, if dead, and of his whereabouts, if alive, will be most thankfully received and paid for by a father whose cup of domestic affliction was already full, before the loss of the child.


Friday, 22 May 1868:


            Poor Keith, the father of a newborn child, celebrated the little one’s advent over a glass, leaving his work a few hours that he might receive the congratulation of friends.  A brutal provost guard, observing his glow of good feelings, seized him and hurried him to guard the guardhouse.  The astonished Keith remonstrated, promised that he would at once go home; and hoping to touch a responding chord of sympathy in the monster’s breast, spoke of his sick wife and newborn babe, and the alarm his protracted absence would be sure to occasion.  But alas, for no greater cause, the human fiend sped a ball through the poor man’s brain, and left his lifeless body quivering upon the sidewalk! Days and weeks merciless this murderer walked out streets with impunity, and there were comrades to exalt his heroism.

            (The editor is writing of an event which was first reported in the 22 May 1862, issue of  the Cairo City Weekly newspaper.)


Wednesday, 27 May 1868:

Mr. Editor:  I desire through your columns, to return my sincere thanks to the citizens of Cairo, and particularly to the clergy and teachers of St. Patrick’s Church and School; to the Mother Superior and Sisters of the Loretto Academy, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Swift, and Mr. and Mrs. Streeter, for the aid and sympathy extended me in my recent bereavement.  For these favors so freely extended to me, I can only offer the gratitude of a sincere heart and the assurance that I will cherish a lively memory of them to the end of my live.
A.S. King


Thursday, 4 June 1868:
A Floater Found.

Judge Corcoran held an inquest yesterday evening on the body of an unknown man found at or near the point.  The body was much decayed, having probably been in the water several weeks.  The clothing indicated that the deceased had probably followed the occupation of a deck hand.  No papers, or articles of value were found about the body.
Is it Known?

As the son of Mr. Alexander S. King was undoubtedly drowned during the hours of daylight, somewhere within the limits of the corporation—In the Ohio River, between the two depots, in fact—it is quite probable that somebody either saw him drown or heard his cries.  It is scarcely possible that he could have fallen into the river, in the glare of daytime, without exciting the attention of some one of the hundreds who are constantly thronging our wharves.  It will be a satisfaction, though a melancholy nature, for Mr. King to learn such particulars as may be known in this connection.  Any person, therefore, who is able to throw any light on the subject, will be cordially thanked, or more substantially rewarded, by communicating with Mr. King or the editor of this paper.

Saturday, 6 Jun 1868:
Suicide in Metropolis.

A young man by the name of McAfee, a native of Canada and an ex-Confederate soldier, committed suicide in Metropolis, on Wednesday last, by drowning himself in the Ohio River.  The Times says he was addicted to the excessive use of intoxicating liquors and destroyed himself while in a state of delirium tremens.  He was a painter by trade and at the time of his death was in the employment of Mr. E. B. Cropper.

Thursday, 18 Jun 1868:

Mr. Robert H. Baird's youngest child, a little ten-year-old girl died last night, after an illness running through an entire year.
Friday, 19 Jun 1868:
Negro Boy Drowned.

A negro boy, son of Jacob Green, fell into the river from the upper wharf boat about six o'clock yesterday evening and drowned.  The alarm of boy overboard was given, but before any assistance could be rendered the lad had disappeared for the last time.  His body was not recovered.

It is to be wondered at that more accidents of this kind do not occur.  Every hour of the day, boys, both black and white, exposing themselves to perils and dangers.  It would be a very good idea, we think, to deny them admittance to any part of the wharf boat, except on business.
Saturday, 20 Jun 1868:
Suicide of Maj. R. R. Alexander

On Monday evening, last, Maj. R. R. Alexander, one of the oldest and most substantial and highly respected citizens of the neighboring town of Hickman, committed suicide by drowning himself in the Mississippi River.  He attached a heavy iron bolt to his neck, by means of a cord, then seeking a secluded spot, divested himself of hat, coat and spectacles and plunged into the water.  The Major's life was rendered a living death by wounds received in the Mexican War, from which he never recovered.

Monday, 29 June 1868:
Cold-Blooded Murder Near Cobden.

A deliberate and cold-blooded murder was committed near Cobden on the night of the 26th inst., by a young man named James Calvin Smidey.  The details, as we received them through a private letter from a gentleman who served on the coroner's jury, are as follows:  Mr. Richard O'Neal, the murdered man, had been in the village of Cobden during the day, and when evening came on was much the worse for liquor.  About dark he started up the railroad towards his home, accompanied by his child, a little boy about ten years of age.  About a mile from the town he was overtaken by Smidey, who, having a gun, took deliberate aim and shot him dead in his tracks.

O'Neal had sixty or seventy dollars about his person, which he displayed frequently while in his cups, and for this, it is believed, he was murdered.  That it was not taken from his body by the murderer can be accounted for only on the supposition that the report of the gun and the outcries of the boy attracted the attention of neighbors, and speedily brought assistance to the scene of the tragedy.  The murderer fired, at all events, before he secured any portion of the money, and had not at last accounts been arrested.

Taken as a whole, this forms one of the most unprovoked and cold-blooded murders that ever occurred in Southern Illinois.  The citizens of Cobden are greatly exasperated that such an atrocious crime should stain the fair repute of their town, and will put forth every possible exertion to bring the criminal to justice.  That they may be successful, is certainly the wish of every one who would have an end to the horrible carnival of blood, that is sickening every portion of our country.

Wednesday, 1 Jul 1868:
Charles H. Miller, an able civil engineer, committed suicide in
St. Joseph, Mo., on Thursday, last, by cutting his throat with a razor. He was a German by birth, and resided many years at Coblentz, Prussia, where his mother now resides.  Disappointed ambition and intemperate habits led to the fatal act.
Mr. Amzi Hamlin, residing four miles west of Salem, on Thursday took a pistol and in the presence of his family, deliberately shot himself through the head.  No cause is assigned for the rash act, except protracted illness and general despondency.

Tuesday, 7 Jul 1868:
Cairo Negro Killed.

We received information this morning that Charlie Williams, a well-known negro bricklayer of this city, was killed in Paducah, on Monday last, by another negro.  Both were indulging heavily in drinks when the affair occurred.  Williams, as reported, was the aggressor, having made an attempt to kill his antagonist with a knife, but in the melee was shot through the head and died instantly.  We give the report as stated to us in the office.

Wednesday, 8 Jul 1868:
DIED, BURKE—In the flower of her youth, on the 4th inst., at St. Mary's Infirmary, Mrs. Hannah Burke, the beloved wife of James Burke.

After a protracted illness of several months, which she bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, after having piously received the Sacrament with which the Catholic Church strengthens and consoles her dying children, she passed quietly to her Lord.
Died, LUSK—In this city on the morning of the 4th, Mrs. Rachel Lusk, wife of James Lusk, and daughter of William and Ruth Wainwright, Cincinnati, O.  Mrs. L. bore her long sickness, which was protracted over a period of eighteen months, with a Christian fortitude; and finally passed away as into a peaceful sleep, looking beyond the grave for a life of eternal felicity.

Thursday, 9 Jul 1868:
Body Found.

The body of a drowned man was found at our landing yesterday evening at three o'clock.  An inquest was held over it by Coroner Corcoran, and after hearing various statements, the jury returned a verdict that deceased came to his death by means unknown to the jury.  His body was much decomposed and presented a horrible spectacle--the face being bloated, black and puffed.  From the evidence and statement of a little apple girl, the dead man was a passenger on the steamer Indiana, while on her down trip.  He purchased apples from her, and in making the payment, displayed a new, well-filled pocket book, and appeared slightly intoxicated.  Others stated that he was a bricklayer from Paducah—and in proof of this statement, a measuring rule was found in one of his pockets.  The pocketbook was missing, and but a few minor articles discovered on his person.  We are of the opinion that a closer examination would have revealed the fact that violence had been done this man.
No clue to his name could be discovered except that he informed the little girl while purchasing apples that his name was Mahan or Manahan.  He was dressed in a light linen coat, while shirt and blue cottonade pantaloons.
The funeral obsequies of the Hon. William H. Logan, who died on the 29th of June, took place on the 30th ult., at Murphysboro, and was largely attended.  The Masonic fraternity, of which he was a worthy member, were in attendance—delegations from DeSoto, Carbondale, and Makanda being present, and assisting in the beautiful rites and ceremonies of that noble order.  The Murphysboro Argus, a sterling Democratic paper says, “In his demise the community lost a valued citizen.”  It also publishes a tribute of respect to his memory by the lodge of which Mr. Logan was a member.
Walker Harshaw, a negro boy, was drowned in the Ohio River, near the mouth of a slough, above Shawneetown, on last Sunday.
False Report.

The report of the killing of Charlie Williams, in Paducah, proved false.  A difficulty had occurred in that delectable neighborhood, of a serious character, but Charlie was not implicated.  He is, and has been, pursuing the “even tenor” of his way, strictly sober, and industriously following his avocation of bricklaying.  The report prevailed among his friends here to some extent before its publication in the Democrat, and came direct from Paducah, and knowing the place to be a bad repute we gave credence to the story—although divesting it of much of its horrible details.

Friday, 10 Jul 1868:
Death of “Dummy.”

A deaf and dumb man, known generally by Cairoites as “Dummy,” came to an untimely end at Mason's Depot, above Centralia, a few days ago.  While standing upon the track the switch engine ran over him, and mangled his body in a horrible manner, from which injuries he died.  He has been in Cairo for a number of years, following the occupation of a street bootblack, and from this he earned enough money with which to gain the necessaries of life.
James Calvin Smiddy, who brutally murdered Richard O'Neal, near Cobden on the night of the 20th ult., was arrested an hour afterwards in his brother's house.  He protested his innocence, but the evidence against him is conclusive, as O'Neal's son witnessed the deed.  A regularly organized band of ruffians is supposed to exist in that neighborhood, among whom are the Smiddy brothers.
A woman named Mrs. Dial murdered her husband at DuQuoin, on the night of July 1st.  Mrs. Dial placed a cold supper before her husband, and then retired to bed, which was in the rear where Mr. Dial was eating.  Shortly after, a revolver or gun was fired, the ball taking effect in the lower part of the left shoulder, and coming out at the neck, under the chin, striking the wall about three feet from the floor.  He died on Sunday morning, 6th inst., and in his dying declaration declared his wife the murderess.  Mrs. Dial is held for murder at the next term of the Franklin Circuit Court.

Monday, 13 Jul 1868:
The body of Ferdy Rosenfeld, who was found on the river bank, four miles below
Golconda.  The body was badly mutilated.  The heart-broken mother accompanied the party who went for the body to recognize it.  The eyes, lips, and one of the ears were gone.

Tuesday, 14 Jul 1868:
Supposed Suicide by Drowning.

A man, whose name is supposed to be Joseph Gettinger, of Jonesboro, Ill., was seen by persons fishing near the point below the city, on Sunday, at one o'clock, to undress and plunge into the water, from which he did not return.  Those who witnessed this scene, failing to see him appear on the surface of the water, after a reasonable length of time had elapsed, went to the spot, and made efforts to recover the body, as they were certain the mysterious diver had drowned.  Their efforts were of no avail.  On searching the pockets of clothing, they found letters and a German songbook.  The letters were written in the German language.  In the songbook, on the fly leaves, the names of Joseph Gettinger, William Baldmand, Julius Lettekar are inscribed—the name of Joseph Gettinger appearing as the owner of the book; and the letters found in the pockets being addressed to that name.
It was impossible for us to learn anything definite in reference to the drowned man, no one being able to give information that should lead to a clue as to his correct name or place of residence.  Jonesboro being written in the book leads to the opinion that he resided there, or has friends in that city.

His clothing, the book, and letters are in the possession of Mr. Higlin, at Sacksberger's, where they can be seen by any person desirous of examining them.

It is our opinion the unfortunate man entered the water to bathe, and sunk into the deep, black mud on the edge of the water, and being unable to extricate himself from the fearful position in which he was placed, met death by drowning.  A man determined on suicide would not enter the water in the presence of persons; nor would he do so without leaving some information as to his name and place of residence.

Saturday, 18 Jul 1868:
Not Gettinger.

The report that Mr. J. Gettinger, of Jonesboro, was drowned at Cairo on Sunday last, is not true.—Jonesboro Gazette.

Our energetic policemen, Joseph Higlin, wrote letter of inquiry to Jonesboro in reference to the man so mysteriously drowned, and learned that his name was Frank SponnerSponner while living in Jonesboro, boarded at the house of Mr. J. Gettinger, and while there became possessed of the song book found upon his person, and which led to the belief that his name was Gettinger.  The body of the unfortunate man has not been recovered, here, but has perhaps been picked up below.

Monday, 20 Jul 1868:
There were four funerals from this city yesterday—two men and two infants.
Badly Burned.

A little boy, the son of a widow lady named Mrs. Mason, living near Winter's Row, had his face severely burned by falling into a fire which he and his companions had lighted, and were playing around.  His eyebrows, nose and lips were burned in a dreadful manner.  The accident occurred last Saturday evening, near the schoolhouse on the corner of Thirteenth and Walnut streets.
DIED.  SISSON—On the morning of the 19th of July, 1868, at
9:20 o'clock, the daughter of Fannie A. and Ed. F. Sisson, aged seven months and nine days, of diarrhea and flux.  “Whom the gods love most die young,” and the blossoms of life in their tender beauty are soonest translated to a purer sphere.  God gives life and takes it away.  Through those who loved the little dead one suffer anguish at the acts of the Divine Being who in His infinite wisdom has placed upon its brow the seal of death, and made the little lips mute, they should humbly bow to His mandate, knowing that He has given to it an immortality which will never die.
Death of William Bambrick.

On Saturday evening, at three o'clock, William Bambrick, market master, an old and popular citizen of Cairo, died under the effects of the excessive heat of Friday and Saturday.  His death created a profound sensation, as he was a highly respected citizen of Cairo, having resided here over fourteen years.

Mr. Bambrick was born in the County of Kilkenny, Ireland, and at the time of his death was a member of the St. Patrick's Benevolent Society, and the Hibernian Fire Company.  He held the honorable position of treasurer of the former organization.

During his residence in the city of Cairo, he has made himself many friends, and as we beard a friend of his remark, a person who has known him for years:  “He never acted unfairly with any man, and was always charitable and humane.”  No finer obituary could be written of the dead.

His funeral took place yesterday afternoon, on special train.  The members of St. Patrick’s Benevolent Society, in regalia, and Hibernian Fire Company, in uniform, were in attendance, besides a large number of citizens, who paid their last respects to the deceased. His remains were deposited in the cemetery at Villa Ridge.  The Silver Cornet Band accompanied the train.

Mr. Bambrick was forty-two years of age, and leaves a wife and two children to mourn his sudden death.

Wednesday, 22 Jul 1868:
Death From Sun Stroke.

A man named Heath, who was en route from Memphis to Cincinnati, his home, died today from the effects of sunstroke, at the Antrim House.  He arrived here, this morning, on board the steamer City of Cairo.

Thursday, 23 Jul 1868:
The Man Who Died at the Antrim House.

Thomas Heath, who died at the Antrim House, yesterday, was formerly a deckhand on the Ozark.  For the past week he has been sick, and when death so suddenly robbed him of life, was on his way home, in company with a friend named S. W. Gard.  They arrived here on board the steamer City of Cairo, and as Heath was being conveyed from the boat to the hotel, was severely affected by the intense heat prevailing at that time.  Shortly after reaching the house, he was taken with congestion of the kidneys, from which he died in a few hours.  He received prompt and efficient medical attention, and proper care was bestowed upon him by the proprietor of the hotel and his friends before his death.
His friends reside in Point Harmer, on the Ohio River.  Mr. Gard lives in the city of Cincinnati.  The deceased will be buried at Villa Ridge tomorrow.

Friday, 24 Jul 1868:
At Robertson’s Landing, six miles above
Cape Girardeau, Mo., Joseph M. Robertson received a fatal wound from a gun in the hands of some person unknown.  The gun was held close to the body, as burnt and blackened wadding was found near where Robertson fell.  The killing was done on Sunday morning.

Monday, 27 Jul 1868:

On Tuesday evening last, Buck Myers, an old resident of this county (Crittenden Co., Ky.), living near Ford's Ferry, died from an overdose of morphine sulphus.  There are three stories afloat concerning the matter, all of them agreeing only in the single particular that the old man died from the effects of poison.  One gentleman, who visited the dying man, informed me that Mr. Myers' wife, hearing her husband express the determination to “set himself up” by a small dose of morphine, determined to defeat his purpose, threw away what she supposed to be that deadly drug, leaving, in the same place, a bottle of quinine.  Through inadvertence, however, she threw out the quinine.  Next morning Mr. Myers concluded to dose himself with quinine, and after swallowing five grains of the morphine, supposed he had done so.  The narcotizing effect of the dose being felt in a few moments, the terrible truth manifested itself that he had mistaken the morphine for the quinine, and that a sufficient quantity had been swallowed by him to kill a half dozen men.  He died in one hour.

Another reports is to the effect that the old man was tired of life, and took the deadly poison purposely.  This version of the affair is confirmed by the fact that he informed his young wife, a few days before, that he did not intend to live long, that his life was aimless, purposeless, useless, and that he would be “better off” dead than alive.  He gave directions as to the disposition of this little property, and revealed other intimations if a purpose to shuffle off his mortal coil.  In pursuance of this determination, it is believed that he deliberately destroyed his own life.

A third report is to the effect that he took morphine by the contrivance of his wife, who, being young and gushing, wanted to get rid of him.  This report, no doubt, originated in the brain of angular old pipe-smoking gossips who gloat over every half a chance to deal in horrors and defamation.  It is, fortunately, for the peace of mind of the bereaved widow, believed by nobody.
Death By Drowning.

We learn from a reliable source, that a man named Charles Jennings, employed as fireman on the little steamer Nat Williams, while laboring under a fit produced from exhaustion, and heat, fell overboard and was drowned thirty miles above Cairo.  He clung for a short length of time to the after guard of the boat, then with a spasmodic spring, fell back into the water, coming to the surface once, then sinking, never to come from it with life.  A few days ago, a body, black and bloated, picked up near the flourmills, was recognized by the clothing worn as that of Charles Jennings.  He was about twenty-three years old, and well known in Mound City, having formerly been connected with the navy.

Tuesday, 28 Jul 1868:
Mound City Sensation.

The following sensation story will perhaps by news to the people of Mound City.

By a private letter, written by Mrs. David Southwick to a friend in this city, we learn that a horrible murder was committed on a flatboat at Mound City, Illinois, on Sunday night last, where two New Albians, David Southwick and Asa Hodge, were murdered in cold blood by an acquaintance named Rufus Adamson, also a resident of this city.  From all we can glean from the letter, it seems that Adamson came on board the flatboat on the night in question and stabbed Southwick in the neck, killing him, while he was asleep.  The monster then turned upon Hodge, who was knocked in the head and his body thrown overboard.

After the commission of the crime Adamson threatened Mrs. Southwick with instant death if she gave the alarm, and jumping into a skiff he made his escape.  What could have been the motive of the murderer, unless it was for the purpose of robber, we are as yet unable to learn, as the information given by the letter is quite brief.

The victims and perpetrator of this terrible tragedy are well known in this city.  Southwick was a striker on the river, but devoted a great deal of his time to fishing.  He, with his family, were living in a flatboat at the time of the murder, and we presume he was catching fish for the Cairo market.  Asa Hodge, is well known painter, and has been living with his family at Cairo for some time past.  As he was seen painting on the Belle Lee and other boats at Mound City a few weeks ago, it is supposed that he was boarding on the flatboat with Southwick's family for convenience, both being well acquainted, in fact they were raised together in this city.  Adamson also boarded with Southwick, he having been engaged at some kind of work at Mound City.  His father, Alexander Adamson, lives here, and is a very worthy citizen.  His boy, Rufus, is wild, and said to be desperately wicked at heart.  During the war he was a private in the Sixty-sixth Indiana regiment, and served a good part of his term in the guardhouse.  For the past few years he has been working about the rolling mills here, and on steamboats as a laborer.  He is about twenty years of age, short and heavy set.—New Albany (Ind.) Ledger.

We made inquiries as to the truthfulness of the statement published in the New Albany Ledger, and discover that it is false in every particular.  The writer's indulgence in details makes it evident that it was fabricated as a sensation story.

Wednesday, 29 Jul 1868:
Death of Mrs. Horace Hannon.

With feelings of sorrow we record the death of Mrs. Hannon, wife of our young and esteemed fellow townsmen, Horace Hannon.  She died last night at twelve o'clock in the city of Springfield, Ills., at the residence of her parents.  Mr. Hannon reached Springfield before his wife's death, and was with her during the closing moments of her life.  We sympathize with Mr. Hannon in his deep bereavement.

(Horrace A. Hannon married Eliza R. Lamb on 13 Nov 1866, in Sangamon Co., Ill.)

Saturday, 1 Aug 1868:
Death of a Venerable Couple

About three weeks ago, Mr. J. A. Meyer, aged 79 years and three weeks, died in this city.  His remains were taken to St. Louis and there interred with due ceremony.  Today, his wife, Betty Meyer, aged seventy-four years, died, and on Monday morning, at four o'clock, her body will be taken to St. Louis and there placed by the side of her faithful companion through life.  This couple, who lived to such a venerable period in age, have been married fifty-one years, and celebrated their golden wedding one year ago.  After the death of Mr. Meyer, his wife declined rapidly, and finally died from grief at the great loss she had suffered.
The body of a drowned man was caught opposite the residence of Mr. Henry Samuels, eight miles below
Columbus, Ky.  The body was much decomposed, and seemed to be that of a small man with small hands and feet.  Grey hairs, and the absence of teeth, denoted that he was well advanced in years.  The only garments on the body were two shirts, the outer one being of fine quality.

(The Cairo Democrat of 16 Aug 1867, reported on 50th wedding anniversary celebration of Joseph and Betty Meyer, of Cairo, under the heading, “Celebration of a Golden Wedding at the Jewish Synagogue.”

Monday, 3 Aug 1868:
The Dead Body of a Negro Found.

The dead body of an unknown negro man was found on a wood pile in the rear of the commissary building yesterday.  An inquest was held over it by Coroner Corkoran, but no facts were brought to light which would lead to the identification of the deceased.  It was reported that he, in company with another negro, had been living in the wood pile all week, and that they were both sick during that time.  Perhaps some passing steamer put them ashore, and the most unfortunate one of the two came to his end from exposure and want.

Friday, 7 Aug 1868:
Lynching of Bob Furguson at
Sioux City.

We extract the following from The Omaha Republican, handed us by a friend this morning, and give publicity to it in our columns, owing to Furguson's having been a former resident of the city:

“Some of the police of our city, are said to be in possession of intelligence that three men were hung by a mob at Sioux City, on Friday.  The parties hung, had been gone up from Omaha but a few days before and opened a gambling institution in Sioux City.  Their house was liberally patronized, but at length they were caught cheating in the game, in such a manner as is not tolerated by the code of the sporting fraternity.  This so exasperated their patrons, that the parties were immediately secured by their victims, and taken to an out-of-the-way place, before the authorities or citizens knew anything about it, and there hanged to a tree.  The first public knowledge of the horrible deed was the discovery of the lifeless bodies suspended from a tree, a few hours after; and it has created intense excitement in that usually quiet city.  The names of the murdered men were Robert Furguson, formerly of Ford's Restaurant; Johny Green, of the Bon Ton; and Doc. Shaw, who formerly kept the Bon Ton Saloon, on Harney Street.  All these three were well known in the city.”

Bob Furguson, who came to such an untimely end in Sioux City, was a young man, being about twenty-five years of age, and formerly a resident of Cairo.  In the years 1864-5 he acted in the capacity of barkeeper in the Eldorado, now owned by Messrs. Gates and Barrett; and before his death, as late as the month of February, was a citizen of Memphis, being the proprietor of the little “Headquarters” saloon, on Jefferson Street, a resort for the fast men of the city.  While in Memphis he gambled a great deal, and was considered quite an adept in the business.  Just previous to his departure for Omaha, which promised a rich field for him and his kind, he shot and killed a young showman named Prentice, in the hall leading into the restaurant of the Empire saloon.  At a preliminary trial he was acquitted, the evidence not being sufficient to warrant his detention and trial by jury.  After the shooting of young Prentice, Rob's business seemed to fall off, and gambling was very dull.  This warranted him in disposing of his effects and moving to a new and more genial quarter, where money was plenty and himself not generally known.  The sequel shows that his former career was well-known; and there is no doubt but that friends of Prentice, who had sworn to “get even” with him, placed the fatal noose around his neck and swung him into eternity.  The other two men were formerly hangers-on in and about Cairo.  Green is represented as having been a noted thief, and a man of dissolute and depraved habits.  So ended the career of a young man, who if he had exercised his skill and talents in an honorable channel, would have been prosperous and respected today.

Monday, 10 Aug 1868:
Bob Furguson Not Dead.

The account of the lynching of Robert Ferguson, at Sioux City, proved a canard.  He made his appearance in Cairo early Sunday morning, and took passage on the Steamer General Anderson, en route for Memphis.

Wednesday, 12 Aug 1868:
Death of Captain William B. Dodson.

We regret to announce the death of Captain William B. Dodson, commander of the United States snag boat J. J. Albert, and brother-in-law of Captain Hambleton, of Mound City.  He died yesterday evening on board his steamer.  Captain Dodson was formerly of Baltimore, Md., where many of his relatives now reside, and at the time of his death was aged fifty-seven.  For the past twenty-five years, he has been a resident of Cincinnati, and was well-known as a steamboatman upon the Ohio and Mississippi rivers.  His remains will be taken to Cincinnati on tomorrow morning’s train for interment, accompanied by two of the officers of the J. J. Albert, the vessel over which he commanded during the latter days of his life.  The death of Captain Dodson will be sadly deplored by all men who had the good fortune to know him intimately.
Shot at in the Cars.

One of our citizens who has been on a visit to Tennessee, says that while in Union City, a man entered a car and seated himself near a window.  He was barely in the seat before a shot was fired at him from the platform of the station, the ball just missing his head.  On inquiry it was ascertained that the man shot at had brutally murdered a woman at Union City, and been tried for the offense and sent to the penitentiary, from which he was released by Governor Brownlow.  After getting his freedom he returned to Union City, the scene of his brutality, and on attempting to leave was shot at by some relative of the murdered woman.  The supposition is that he is now in Cairo.
We regret to have to announce the death of Capt. William Dodson, commander of the
U. S. tugboat J. J. Albert.  He died at this place last night on congestion of the brain.  His family reside near Cincinnati, to which place his remains will be conveyed.
Death of
Ada Isaacs Menken.

The telegraph announces the death of Ada Isaacs Menken, in Paris, France, on the 11th inst.  Her renown as an actress, adventuress, and woman of literature is worldwide.  Her proper name was McCord, and in the early years she resided in Memphis, Tenn., where she and her sister, now a Mrs. Hall, supported themselves by appearing in the ballet of Ash and Charles' Theater, on Washington Street.  Her brother, “Johnny McCord,” as he was familiarly called, also lived in Memphis, and followed the occupation of a job printer in the old Bulletin establishment.



Monday, 17 Aug 1868:

The lifeless body of a man named Robert Wilson, a Scotchman, was found in the suburbs of DuQuoin last Thursday.  Cause of his death; congestion of the brain, resulting from the use of liquor and rupture of the liver.

Tuesday, 18 Aug 1868:

Death of William Rottier.

            William Rottier, one of our citizens, and a member of the Rough and Ready Fire Company, died today.
, at
twelve o'clock today.  Born on the 19th day of May, 1824, near Muenchen, Bavaria, Aged 44 years.

William Rottier was a member of the Rough and Ready Fire Company and has been a resident of Cairo for about six years.  He leaves a wife and one child, a girl fourteen years of age.  The deceased was a good citizen, and esteemed by all those with whom he associated.  The funeral will take place tomorrow evening, at two o'clock, and the remains be accompanied by the Rough and Readys and deposited in their burying ground at Villa Ridge.

Wednesday, 19 Aug 1868:

Funeral of William Rottier.

The remains of William Rottier, who died yesterday, was put upon the two o'clock train today, and taken to Villa Ridge for interment, accompanied by a large number of friends, and the members of the Rough and Ready Fire Company.

Reported Death of Messrs. Frick and Reichert.

A report has been in circulation for the past few days that two well-known citizens of Cairo, Messrs. Frick and Reichert, had been executed near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, by the mythical Ku-Kluxers.  This rumor has been so extensively circulated that we considered ourselves warranted in reporting it, but up to the present hour of writing we have been unable to learn anything beyond the prevailing rumors.  We believe the report to be a malicious one, as no such order as the Ku-Kluxer exists in Kentucky or any of the Southern states except in the minds of superstitious negroes, and carpetbaggers who have been inciting them to deeds of violence against the disfranchised men of the South.  No direct evidence has been given that a general or local organization of that character existed in any portion of the Southern state except in Memphis, and that was proven to have been a base attempt on the character of young men who stood high in the community, and who were tenderly reared, and educated to acts of humanity and benevolence.

Saturday, 22 Aug 1868:

Return of Thanks.

Mrs. Rottier, wife of William Rottier, deceased, returns thanks to the firemen of Cairo; particularly to Fred. Theobold, Chris. Orth and John Boepple, for their unexampled kindness and sympathies in her bereavement. 


[Webmaster’s Note:  The full text of a Tribute of Respect by the Rough and Ready Fire Co., No. 2, signed by J. M. Vierun, President and J. George Steinhouse, Sec'y appears in the same issue.]

Death of Charles Whitlock

Mr. Charles Whitlock, confectioner, corner Eighth street and Washington avenue, died at his father's residence last night, at nine o'clock, of consumption.  He was a young man, and well known in the community.  His remains will be taken to Jonesboro, tomorrow after, for interment.

Monday, 24 Aug 1868:

Not Dead.

In a late issue of The Democrat we gave an account of an attempted murder and robbery near Grand Chain.  The circumstances were that two men, who had been traveling together, stopped overnight at the residence of Mr. John Smith, three miles above Grand Chain.  In the morning they started on their way again, leaving Smith's residence together.  In a short time one of them returned to the house of Mr. Smith, shot in the head, and covered with blood, and stated that, when about am mile from the house, his companion stepped behind him, placed a pistol to his head and fired, the ball taking effect in his head, and then dragged him into the bushes and robbed him of his money.  We said that it was a fatal shot; but have since learned that the ball struck him in the back part of the head, and ranged under the scalp and around the skull, without producing any fracture, and that he is now entirely recovered.  The would-be assassin was caught and taken to Caledonia, where a strong disposition to lynch him was manifested.

Thursday, 27 Aug 1868:

The funeral sermon of the late William H. Logan, brother of General Logan, will be preached at Murphysboro, Jackson County, next Sunday, September 30, by Rev. Dr. Reed, of Bloomington.


A shooting scrape took place at Grand Tower, Jackson County, last Friday.  A man named Nolan murdered a man named McGuire—shot him three times in the presence of his wife.
From the Murphysboro Argus we obtain the following item:

On Friday last, two young men were the victims of a terrible accident in the slope of one of the mines of Mount Carbon.  The coupling of two of a train of three coal cars, such as are used to bring coal from the mines, was either not properly adjusted, or accidentally became unfastened so that two cars became detached from the front cars and plunged with almost lightning speed down the slope.  Two unfortunate lads were engaged on or near the track those cars had to take.  One of them by the name of Medley was killed outright; the other, L. Bartles, was so fatally injured that he died immediately upon being removed to the house of his father in this city.  The families have the sympathies of all our citizens, and we hope never to have to record again an occurrence so dreadful.


One day last week the boiler of Gurley's (better known as Hubbard's Mill) in Jackson County exploded and seriously injured three men.  The boiler was thrown forward about twenty feet, and struck a post against which Mr. George Vancil, an old citizen of Jackson County, was sitting.  Strange to say, he was not killed, although he was seriously injured.  He was thrown to the ground, under a piece of scantling on which the boiler rested, and was scalded by the steam, which escaped from the boiler.  Richard Hicks, a boy, was, it is thought, fatally injured.  The fireman was scalded seriously.  The head sawyer was thrown several feet with great violence, and escaped unhurt, but was so badly frightened he was unable to give us an account of the casualty.  The cause of the accident is not known.  Richardson has been heard to threaten that he would blow the concern into the air if he did not receive his pay.

Friday, 28 Aug 1868:

Man Bled to Death.

Just as our paper was going to press we learned that a man, whose name we could not ascertain, had bled to death in a house on Seventh street, between Commercial and Washington avenues.  We will give particulars in tomorrow’s issue.

Saturday, 29 Aug 1868:


Man Killed.

Anna, Ill., August 28, 1868.

Friend Oberly:

A difficulty occurred this morning about 8 o'clock, east of Anna, about five miles, between Major Ford, formerly of Alabama, and a young man by the name of Jackson.  Pistols were drawn and Ford shot Jackson in the brain, killing him instantly. The Major received a shot from Jackson in the left breast.  He is not dangerously wounded.  Major Ford is in the custody of the Deputy Sheriff.
This tragical occurrence has cast a gloom over our neighborhood.  Young
Jackson was an amiable man and had made many friends, who regret his sudden demise.

(The Jonesboro Gazette of 29 Aug 1868, reports the man killed was named Roswell E. Jackson, of Mississippi, about 20 years old.)

The Man Who Died Yesterday.

At the hour of going to press yesterday evening, we received information that an unknown man had died in the burnt building on Seventh Street, between Commercial and Washington avenues.  It was noticed briefly.  This morning we elicited the information from various sources that the man who died in such a wretched manner was an American and had been about the city for a number of months, with no set means of gaining a livelihood.  He had frequently been seen hovering around the market house picking up scraps of watermelons and whatever he could find with which to satisfy the cravings of hunger.  Disease, brought on by want and exposure, soon prostrated him.  He took shelter in the place above stated, where Doctor Gericke's attention was attracted to him, and who prescribed medicine, but too late to work any good effect.  After death had relieved him of the horrible suffering, he had endured, Dr. Dunning and Gerick held a post mortem examination of the body and found that the deceased had died from a hemorrhage of the left lung, caused by want and exposure.  Just before his death he stated to a gentleman who questioned him that he had at different times applied for admission into the hospital, but had been refused.  We could not learn his name, except that he was known as Henry.  Persons represented him to us as a man of superior education, an excellent penman and an engraver of wood and ivory.  An over sensitive nature no doubt caused him to suffer the pangs of hunger; and when the terrible and fatal disease warned him that he was not long for this world, he lay down in the wreck of at building, with no covering during the night, and no hand to administer to his wants, and died, leaving no name by which he could be recognized, or record of his former place of residence or of his friends.

Tuesday, 1 Sep 1868:

Dr. Jackson W. Shaw, an old citizen of Henderson County, was drowned on the afternoon of the 18th inst., while fishing with a seine in “Swift shoot” at the head of “Turkey Island” along the Mississippi River, about three miles from his residence, below Shokokon.


The following telegram was received by us from Joseph R. Frick:

Hopkinsville, Ky., August 24, 1868

Editors Cairo Democrat:

I read a notice in your paper concerning Reichert, myself and Ku-kluxers.  No such things here. 

We are both well.

Joseph R. Frick.

A few weeks ago we published an account of the reported death of Messrs. Reichert and Frick at the hands of Ku-Kluxers.  We did not believe that any such melancholy occurrence had taken place, but gave publicity to it owing to the report being generally circulated.  How it originated we are not informed.

Thursday, 3 Sep 1868:

The Mound City Journal, of August 29th, said:

William L., son of Capt. S. T. Hambelton, was drowned from a ferry boat at Cincinnati on Thursday last.  At latest accounts his body had not been found.  Deceased was a very intelligent, promising young man, the pride of his parents, whose grief over their affliction is great.  He was twenty-one years of age.  Capt. W. L. Hambleton, of this city, hastened to Cincinnati on receiving the said intelligence.

Tuesday, 8 Sep 1868:

 Death of Joel G. Morgan's Father

We learned yesterday evening that the father of Joel G. Morgan had died at a ripe old age, being at the time of his death, eighty-five years old.  He was a citizen of Western New York.  We sympathize with our fellow townsman and friend in his affliction.

Thursday, 10 Sep 1868:


A Man's Body Sawed in Two.

One of those fearful and sudden accidents that at times happen in all communities and startle them with their dreadfulness, took place yesterday morning at half past eleven o'clock, at the saw mill of E. T. Ross, on Ohio Levee, and which resulted in the sudden death of a German named William Butner, by his body being literally sawed in two.  The facts are briefly as follows:

As Mr. Butner and another man were handling a piece of timber it slipped from the other man's grasp and struck Butner in the breast with such force as to knock him backwards upon two circular saws, one above the other, and which were running at the rate of four hundred revolutions a minute.  His body was instantly cut in two, in a slanting direction, reaching from the left shoulder, from which it severed the arm, down to the naval.  The right foot was also severed from the leg.  The upper portion of his body fell into a pit, which the sawdust was generally caught.  So sudden was the accident that persons in the vicinity of the saw, could hardly realize the fact that the man who had stood before them, but a few seconds before with life and vivacity, was a corpse, his body separated and bleeding before them.  Death was so sudden that he was not even heard to utter a groan.
His remains were gathered together, and an inquest held over them.  Verdict, accidental death.

Mr. Butner was apparently a young man, without a family, and a German by birth.  He was heard to express a desire to leave the mill, and had made preparations to start on next Saturday.  He is not well known in the city, being an entire stranger.  It is reported that he has a cousin living in Alton.
His remains were interred in the burying ground at Villa Ridge.


Sunday, 13 Sep 1868:

Major Ford was tried, yesterday, at Jonesboro, for killing young Jackson.  Judge William J. Allen and J. Smith, Esq., appeared for the prosecution, and Judge Mulkey and J. A. Linville, Esq., for the defense.  We have not learned the result of the trial.

Tuesday, 15 Sep 1868:

James Lynch, aged thirty-eight years, at ten o'clock a.m.  Will be buried at 9 1/2 o'clock, at Villa Ridge.  Mr. Lynch died at the city infirmary, where he received at the hands of the sisters all necessary attention during his short stay with them.  He was considered a man of more than ordinary talent., and during the past fifteen years has filled various positions to the satisfaction of his employers.


Steamer Abeona Almost Destroyed

Two Children Lost

The steamer Abeona landed at our wharf yesterday in a shattered condition, having been run into by the towboat Sam Brown, near Cottonwood Bar.  The Abeona signaled the Brown, which was towing barges.  The signal was not understood, or the Brown became unmanageable, and run into the Abeona, about midship, demolished her engines, and caused the loss of two German children, who were deck passengers with their parents.  The mother of the children was injured in such a manner as to cause her life to be despaired of.  Her leg was crushed, and head severely injured.  The Abeona was on her way from Cincinnati to St. Louis.  She will be towed to St. Louis for repairs.


Sunday, 20 Sep 1868:
Murder Near
Charleston, Mo.

A negro boy, called Bill Swank, was found dead in the woods near Charleston, Mo., having been shot through the head by some unknown person.  A load of small shot had entered the back part of his head and remained inside of his skull.  He was about sixteen years of age, raised in Charleston, and when he met his death was out hunting.  No trace of his gun or accoutrements could be found.  A negro man named Horace was arrested on suspicion of having committed the deed, but on examination no facts fixing the guilt upon him could be elicited.  He was discharged.


Tuesday, 22 Sep 1868:
A Nymph du Pave is Tired of Life

During the latter portion of Saturday afternoon one of our city physicians was hurriedly sent for, and requested to call at a house on Walnut Street, where a woman was lying almost at the point of death, under the influence of an overdose of poison.  He hastened in the palace designated and found one of those frail and unfortunate beings, known as a woman of the town, struggling with death, whose icy touch was upon her, and gradually ending her mortal existence.  He discovered that she had taken an overdose of morphine, sufficient to kill her, and with energy and skill he commenced the work of rescuing her from the perilous situation in which she, in a moment of wretchedness and despair, had placed herself; and after a doubtful period succeeded in saving her life.  Notwithstanding this, when she worked to a consciousness of her position and knew that the deadly drug used by her had failed in its work, she bitterly lamented that her life had been saved; said that the course she had been following brought with it remorse and disgrace; and that she was tired of living, and would eventually take her life.  She is now entirely out of danger, but from her actions and expressions t is believed she will again attempt the great crime of destroying her own existence.

Wednesday, 7 Oct 1868:
Circuit Court

About eleven o'clock p.m., the case of the People vs. Kelley, one of the alleged murderers of O'Shea, who was killed on the 23d last December, by a stab from a knife, was called for trial about three o'clock p.m.  The panel was selected and the trial commenced.  O'Shea was stabbed thirty feet north of Clancy's Saloon, on Ohio Levee, and twenty feet from Fourteenth Street.  After receiving the fatal thrust, he walked to the saloon below Clancy’s and there died.

T. F. McCartney is prosecuting the case, and H. Watson Webb and David Linegar acting in the defense.

The Court adjourned at half past five o'clc0ock, after McCartney had spoken at length, and at seven again assembled, when Linegar spoke in the defense.  At the hour of writing we have not learned the result of the trial, but will give full particulars in tomorrow's issue.

Thursday, 8 Oct 1868:
Wednesday, Third Day

Yesterday morning the Court opened at it regular hour, with Judge Olney presiding.

In yesterday's issue we stated we had, at the time of going to press been unable to await the result of the trial of Kelly the alleged murderer of O'Shea, on Ohio Levee.  Last night before last the case was given to the jury, who returned a verdict of guilty, and sentenced him to thirty years in the penitentiary.  He appeared cool and collected, perhaps feeling gratified at having escaped the gallows, which he would undoubtedly have reached but for the masterly arguments and appeals of H. Watson Webb and David Linegar, his counselors.  Kelly is a man twenty-five or thirty years of age, and wears upon his face a very mild expression.  He appears to be about five feet eight inches high, and was, no doubt, before his incarceration in prison, a well-formed and muscular man.  When he again makes his appearance upon terra firma, after the expiration of his term allotted him as a punishment for his crime, he will have passed the meridian of life.  Mr. Webb opened this case, after which the evidence was heard when the Prosecuting Attorney, McCartney, followed.  Linegar then spoke at length, followed by Webb—the case being closed by McCartney, and submitted to the jury.
Thursday, 15 Oct 1868:
James Rohrer, a colored deckhand, who shipped on the
West Morland at Cincinnati, fell overboard from that boat, between the boat and her barge, at Indiana bar and was drowned.  The Captain had the boat stopped immediately and the yawl lowered and scoured the river for several miles, but was unable to recover the body.  It is supposed that the wheel struck him and he did not rise to the surface at all.

Friday, 16 Oct 1868:
A Negro Man Shot.

On last Sunday, a negro man, named Joe Edwards, while out in the woods, in the vicinity of Charleston, Mo., hunting oxen, was shot by a young man whose name is unknown.  The weapon used was a double-barreled shotgun, loaded with buck shot.  The charge entered his thigh, making a dangerous and painful wound.  When wounded, Edwards was riding a horse, which was wounded so badly that he died a short time after the occurrence.  The author of this uncalled for attack was not arrested, as no clue could be found that would lead to his discovery.

Saturday, 17 Oct 1868:
Seduction and Suicide
Golconda Tragedy.
(From the
Golconda Herald, 18th inst.)

We stated last week, that in our next issue we would give the names of the parties and the particulars of a case of seduction that led to suicide, of which at that time, we had but imperfect reports.

We are reliably informed, by some of the most worthy citizens of that part of the country, that the following is about the truth in the case:

It seems that some few weeks before the young girl took her own life, her father discovered that something was the matter with her, and upon interrogating her, she confessed that she was enceinte and that she became so by one Alexander Wasson, through promise of marriage.  Mr. Smith then went to see him, and asked him if he intended to do by his daughter as he had promised, and was told by him that he did not intend to marry her.  When Mr. Smith returned home he was informed by his daughter that Wasson had promised to marry her within three weeks from a certain time, and that if he did not do so, that within four days she would be dead.  The time passed, and Wasson did not go near her.  So on the third day, when she was alone in the room, she took from a little medicine chest—which contained drugs used by her father in disease of horses—and took from it a paper of strychnine; of which she took quite a large quantity, and threw herself on the bed.  Her father was sent for and when he came asked her what she had done; if she had taken strychnine.  She told him that she had taken enough to destroy herself and child; that she had rather be dead than live in disgrace; and kept exclaiming that Alex. Wasson had been her ruin.  In about an hour after taking the strychnine she died in the terrible convulsions which that poison produces.

When the law fails to reach such crimes as these—outraged society should brand the man so that earth would be as little desirable for him as for the innocent girl he has destroyed.
Tuesday, 20 Oct 1868:
Body of Drowned Man Found.

The body of a drowned man was found in the river yesterday.  An inquest was held upon the body, but nothing could be found on his person that would lead to identification.  He was well dressed, and no doubt fell from a passing steamer.
Child Falls into a Cistern and is Drowned.

Yesterday afternoon a boy, four years old, child of Mrs. Smith, who resides on Washington Avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, fell into a cistern and was drowned.  The cistern is located in the back yard, and has for a covering a trap door, which was left open.  The boy, playing around the cistern, fell though the open door and lost his life.  In five minutes after the fearful accident the mother discovered that her child was in the cistern, and in frantic haste secured the assistance of two negro men, who recovered the body by one letting the other down into the cistern to where the boy was floating on the surface of the water.  Doctor Gordon was sent for, and on his arrival discovered that life was entirely extinct.

Wednesday, 21 Oct 1868:

At his residence, on Ohio Levee, on the morning of the 20th inst., at 8 o'clock a.m., Mr. Louis Well, after a long time of illness.  The funeral will take place today at one o'clock from his residence.  The remains will be taken to Villa Ridge for interment.  The friends of the deceased are respectfully invited to attend.

Mr. Louis Well was an old and highly respected citizen of Cairo and his death is much regretted by the numerous friends who have surrounded him during his sojourn in this city.  In his death Cairo has lost a good an upright citizen.  The members of Rough and Ready Fire Company will attend his funeral.

Thursday, 22 Oct 1868:
Funeral of Mr. Well.

The funeral procession of Mr. Well headed by the Egyptian brass band, playing the dead march, moved from the residence of the deceased at two o'clock.  The remains were placed on the train and carried to Villa Ridge, where the last sad rites were performed.

Friday, 23 Oct 1868:
Death of a Telegraph Operator

Mrs. Herbert Howard, telegraph operator of Hickman, Ky., died at that place on Monday morning the 19th inst., and was buried at his old home at Blandville, Ky., on Tuesday evening with Masonic honors.
Death from Scalding.

The negro fireman who was scalded by the explosion of the boiler on the steamer City of Pekin, Tuesday, died from the injuries received and was buried yesterday.  He was familiarly called “Charley” and recognized as a great favorite with the officers and crew of the boat.  The Pekin was brought to this landing yesterday, and is now undergoing repairs.
Sunday, 25 Oct 1868:
Attempted Escape
Burton and Zanes, Convicted Thieves, Jump from the Cars
Burton Fatally Injured and Zanes Crippled for Life.


Our readers will doubtless remember a sketch given about a week ago of the trial of two young men, Burton and Zanes, as they called themselves, upon a charge of grand larceny.  To make the narrative complete, and to give the reader a full understanding of it, it will be necessary to give the substance of the history of the robbery and the trial of the case.


[Note by the Webmaster. There follow several paragraphs of detail and editorial comment about the case and the escape of the two men from the custody of Deputy Sheriff Myers, who pursued the two.   The editor concludesToo much praise cannot be awarded to Mr. Myers, for the watchfulness with which the prisoners were guarded.  He returned last evening.”]

Saturday, 31 Oct 1868:
Death of Captain John Fulton

John Fulton died in Ripley, last Sunday, aged 61 years.  He was a native of Ireland.  For nearly thirty years he was engaged in steamboating on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and no man was more popular or better known in his day, on the rivers, than Captain John Fulton.
Tuesday, 3 Nov 1868:
Outrage at

We received a communication last evening from Benton, stating that the Tanners, on the evening of the meeting at that placed, fired on a carriage containing three Democrats, killing Thomas Widly and slighting wounding his brothers.  The Tanners were drunk and threatened to kill some d----d Democrats before leaving town.  The murderers escaped.

Wednesday, 4 Nov 1868:
A Waif

A waif, in the shape of a three or four hour old baby, was found at the door of the house occupied by A. B. Safford and Henry Candee, yesterday morning wrapped up and carefully deposited in a basket.  He or she, we don't know which, was taken in and warmed, after which it was taken to the Orphan Asylum.  We learn the poor forsaken outcast died during the day.

At Flora, Ill., on the 31st ult., Mr. Andrew Wilson, aged 85 years.  The deceased was the father of our fellow-townsman, Capt. Thomas Wilson, who informs us that he visited him about two weeks ago, and that at that time his general health was good.  Mr. Wilson was one of the pioneers of Illinois having lived for the last thirty years in the same house in Fairfield, Wayne County, Illinois.  He leaves a family of seven sons and daughters twenty-five grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren to mourn his loss.

Thursday, 5 Nov 1868:
Died of His Wound.

Mr. John Connor, who was shot by Collins Tuesday night, died at the house of Patrick Mockler last evening at 8 o'clock.  He was an unmarried man and had no relatives in this country.  Mr. Connor was a quiet, inoffensive citizen, and his death will be deeply regretted by our people generally.

At the residence of Patrick Mockler, on Wednesday, November 4, 1868, Mr. John Connor, aged 30 years.  His remains will be taken to Villa Ridge this morning.  A special train will leave the corner of Eighth Street and Ohio Levee, at 10 o'clock.  All his friends are requested to attend.
A Political Difficulty
John Conners the Victim
The Murderer Arrested.

On Tuesday night last, a difficulty occurred in which a man named John Conners was fatally wounded by a man named Collins.  The particulars, as we learned them on the streets, are substantially as follow:

Mr. Collins, an Irishman employed in the Illinois Central Railroad shop, went to the polls Tuesday morning with the intention of voting.  It is currently reported that Collins has served a term in the State Penitentiary, and it was understood that his vote would be challenged on this ground.  One or two Democratic Irishmen, one of them being John Conners, met Collins at the polls, and told him that if he attempted to vote he would be challenged on the grounds above mentioned.  He did not attempt to do so, but declared he would be revenged before he went to bed that night, on the men who objected to his voting.

At about the same time a German named Andrew Killian, an employee in one of the barber shops, attempted to vote on the grounds of non-residence, it having been said that he came from St. Louis, here about five months ago.  He made affidavit that he had lived in the State of Illinois twenty years, and was allowed to deposit his ballot.  He appeared to be very angry about being challenged, and declared to F. E. Albright that he would “get even.”

We next hear of Collins declaring, on the evening of the same day, that he could whip any d---d Democrat in the city.”  About 12 o'clock, Collins, Killian and a stranger stopped in front of Welden's Saloon, on Commercial Avenue, and talked to Weldon a few minutes, Collins still declaring that he would have satisfaction.  From that we could learn it appears that Collins and Killian were not intimately acquainted, and were either keeping company on account the supposed wrong perpetrated on both during the day, or else for the purpose of revenging themselves on the parties whom they deemed guilty.  At any rate, they were prepared for a quarrel; Collins having a five-shooter and Killian a piece of wood about ten inches in length, in the shape of a “billy” with the butt cased in iron and fastened to the wrist by a leather strip.

At the time these men were at Welden's, a party of Democrats, among them the deceased, and Marshal Hogan, were at Vicksburg House, on the square above.  Leaving Welden's, Collins, Killian and the stranger, proceeded up the street, until they reached the Vicksburg House, which the two former entered, leaving the stranger at the door.  Collins walked up to the bar, and asked the crowd to drink, at the same time asking Mr. McCarthy, the proprietor, if he “heard” what a dirty trick was played on me today.  “They tried to keep my vote out, but I'll be revenged.”  One to two other parties treated afterwards and good feeling seemed to prevail on all sides until two of the crowed commenced a good natured scuffle, which ended in Collins jostling against the deceased, and then striking him a blow in the face, which brought him to his knees.  Conners sprung to his feet, with the evident intention of retaliating, when Killian rushed in and struck him with the club he carried, in the head, knocking him down.  Mr. McCarthy, the proprietor, immediately jumped over the counter and caught the club in Killian's hands and wrenched it from him.  About the time he accomplished this a stranger supposed to be the same who remained outside, rushed in and struck him (McCarthy) with some hard weapon, knocking him down.  Great confusion prevailed at this stage of the difficulty, McCarthy rising to his feet, went behind the counter for a revolver, while Collins was backing towards the door revolver in hand.  Just before reaching it he fired one shot, wounding Conners in the abdomen.  He next aimed at Marshal Hogan, firing two shots at him.  By this time McCarthy had procured his revolver, and advanced to the door when Collins fired at him, grazing his hand and producing a slight flesh wound.  Before McCarthy could use his weapon, Hogan rushed on Collins and placed him under arrest.  In the meantime, Killian and the stranger made their escape, but the former was arrested by officers Pat Callahan and Ed. Shannessy.

Collins received a severe blow on the head, from which the blood flowed freely.  From the fact that considerable blood was found on the sidewalk seven or eight feet from the door, and that the course of the prisoner from that point in the jail could be traced by blood on the walk, it is supposed that he was struck with a bottle after being placed under arrest.

The above are the facts as we learned them yesterday.  The wound of John Conners was pronounced fatal and it was generally supposed he would not live during the day.  He is well known in our city, and bears a good reputation as a quiet, peaceable man, who would not seek a quarrel with anyone.

Friday, 6 Nov 1868:
At his residence on
Fifth Street on Wednesday evening, November 4th, 1868, Mr. Richard English, in the sixty-third year of his age.  He remains were taken to St. Louis on the morning train.  (St. Louis papers please copy.)
Buried Yesterday.

The remains of John Conners, who was killed on Tuesday night, were taken to Villa Ridge yesterday morning by special train, for interment.
Preliminary Examination Today.

It is understood that the preliminary examination of Collins and Andrew Killian, the men implicated in the murder of John Conners, will take place today at the office of 'Squire Bross.
Wednesday, 11 Nov 1868:
Death of James McMurtrie

Mr. James McMurtrie, publisher of the Chenoa Times, died last week.  Mr. McMurtrie was employed in this office in 1864 and 1865, and was known to many of our citizens.  We in common with his many friends in this city regret his death.
Friday, 13 Nov 1868:
Railroad Accident.

We learn from Mr. A. McGrath who arrived from Memphis yesterday, that a fatal accident occurred on the Louisville & Memphis Railroad, one mile south of Brownsville, at about 7 ½ o'clock yesterday morning.  The accident was caused by a broken rail.  A boy five years old had his head severed from his body, and his mother, an elderly lady, was severely injured about the head.  A man from Cincinnati, named Thomas Wilfrey, had his arm badly bruised.  Several other passengers were more or less injured.  Dr. Rogers, of Memphis was a passenger on the train, and dressed the wounds of the sufferers.  Luckily, the engine baggage and forward cars passed over safely, or the accident would have been attended with a larger loss of life.  As it was, the ladies car was the only one thrown from the tracks.


Cairo Daily Times


Wednesday, 2 Dec 1868:
DIED—At his late residence, in this city on Tuesday morning,
December 1, 1868, at a quarter past 4 o'clock, after a lingering illness, Samuel B. Halliday, in the 36th year of his age.  The funeral services will be held in the Church of the Redeemer on Thursday, the 3d inst., at 10 ½ o'clock a.m.  The friends of the family are invited to attend without further notice.


[Note by the Webmaster.  A Tribute of Respect by the Directors of the City National Bank of Cairo, signed by S. Staats Taylor, Pres't pro tem and  A. B. Safford, Cashier, appeared in the same issue.]
Thomas C. Meatyard was born in Macoupin County, Illinois, January 31st, 1840, of English parents.  He enlisted in 1861; was First Lieutenant in the 27th Regiment Illinois Volunteers, Col. Buford; was soon promoted to Captain, and afterward to Adjutant General, and was assigned to Gen. Buford's staff, with whom he remained till near the end of the war.  He was then transferred to the staff of Gen. A. Mc D. McCook, with whom he accompanied the Congressional Committee on Indian Affairs across the plains in 1863, and acted as Secretary to that committee.  September 19th, 1864, he married Marion G. Lunt, daughter of Hon. George Lunt, of Boston, Mass.  He was honorably mustered out of the service in October 1865, and soon after entered the employ of the Illinois Central Railroad Company as lumber agent in Chicago, and afterwards as cashier at Cairo.  His health was seriously undermined while in the army.  He loved his country ardently, and was at all times willing to make any sacrifices for her.  During his residence in Cairo he became so ill that he was obliged in February 1868, to give up active business and go to New Orleans.  Afterwards he went to St. Paul, but all without benefit to his health.  About six weeks ago he returned to the residence of Gen. Buford, in Rock Island, which was always a welcome home to him.  He died Sunday morning, November 8th.  He was a member of the Church of England, and died in the faith of that ancient communion.  He belonged to the Masonic Fraternity and attained the rank of Knight Templar.
“None knew him but to love him,
None named him but to praise.”

We take the above from the Rock Island Union.  Capt. Meatyard was a resident of Cairo several years as a citizen and soldier.  We knew him in the army, where he was beloved by all his associates.  It is with regret that we chronicle the sad news of his death.
FUNERAL.—The funeral of the late S. B. Halliday took place at 10 ½ o'clock yesterday morning at the Church of the Redeemer, in this city.  The services, which were of the most impressive nature, were conducted by the Rev. James W. Coe, Rector of the parish.  The church was filled to overflowing by friends of the family, and at the close of the solemn rites at the church, the entire assembly joined in the procession and followed his remains to their last resting place in the grounds of his late residence.
FOUND DROWNED.—The remains of a colored man were found drowned in the river near the old
Commissary Building on Wednesday.  He is supposed to have fallen from the steamer Anderson.  No clue could be obtained in regard to his name.  The coroner was summoned and held an inquest upon his body.  A verdict was found in accordance with the above facts.
DIED—At the Falls of Harrod's Creek, Jefferson County, Ky., October 27, 1868, S. S. Cavender, in this 27th year of his age.

Saturday, 12 Dec 1868:
DIED.—In this city on the 5th inst., Leila E., infant daughter of Dr. A. M. and Gussie Austin, aged seven weeks.

Saturday, 19 Dec 1868:
The Body of an Old Man Murdered in August Last, Just Found.
He is Murdered by a Woman—She is now in Jail.

(From the Murphysboro Argus, Dec. 15)

In Degognia Precinct, in this county (Jackson County) lived, about the first of June last, one David Gallant, and with him a woman, Cinthia Ann Morris.  After that time the man Gallant was missed, but there being a great many transient men in that locality, he was considered to have gone.  The girl Morris also left and went to Kaskaskia.  She returned about August and told a sister, Mrs. Miller, residing in that locality, that she was sorely troubled, and upon being questioned, confessed that she had killed the old man Gallant, and thrown him under the hollow of the shanty in which they lived.  Mrs. Miller, from considerations to her sister, for a time kept the secret, but finally told her husband, who informed some of his neighbors of the fact.  Some of these, amongst them Messrs. Allman and Stone, went to the cabin formerly inhabited by Gallant, and in the place indicated, found his decomposed body.  They immediately procured the arrest of the murderess.  At an inquest held before 'Squire Dilday, and during and after the preliminary trial, the woman confessed the deed, and stated that one Frank _____, had given her $25 to kill the old man.  All the property of Gallant excepting one horse, which she sold while at Kaskaskia, was found in possession of her father and brother.

Gallant had with him a boy about 7 years old, whom the woman declares to have taken to Kaskaskia.  Parties are now gone in search for him.

Thus, a horrible deed of blood, was, in God's providence, discovered and brought to light.  The woman Morris and her father are in the county jail, she, awaiting the action of the grand jury on a charge of murder, and he being unable to give bail on a charge of assault.  Other parties are liable to be arrested as connected with this affair, but we refrain from making their names known.


Tuesday, 15 Dec 1868:
DEATH OF CAPT. A. WILLIAMS.—It was mentioned in Sunday morning's Times that Capt. A. Williams had died on his way from
New Orleans at Bayou Sara.  His remains arrived here on board the Mollie Able, on Sunday, and were received by his brother, Capt. Isaac Williams, and taken to Odin, where his family from St. Louis will receive them and take them to Covington, Ky., for interment.  The death of Capt. Williams is deeply felt by all who knew him.  The St. Louis Dispatch, in speaking of this melancholy occurrence says:

“We are pained to announce the death of Captain A. Williams, formerly of Cairo, but lately of St. Louis, and old and popular commander on the river in better and happier days.  This sad event occurred on Sunday, the 6th inst., on board the steamer Mollie Able, while near Bayou Sara.
Although not unexpected, the mournful intelligence that Capt. Williams, has passed away will carry a pang of sorrow to many loving hearts.  Noble, generous, and true, we can truthfully say, ‘He was a man whom like we shall not soon see again.’

“During his late illness he was cheered by the presence of his relative, W. M. Williams, Esq., who request us to express his heartfelt gratitude to the officers of the Mollie Able for their thoughtful and unremitting kindness.  Capt. Williams was a native of Virginia, though of late years has resided in the Southwest.  He leaves a wife and two children, to whom in this bitter hour of sorrow, we can but commend the teachings of our Savior—‘Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see the Kingdom of God.’  His remains, in compliance with his dying request, will be carried to Covington, Ky., and laid to rest by the grave of his mother.
Wednesday, 16 Dec 1868:
A man was hung in
Macoupin County for cutting his wife's throat last week.
DIED—At her residence in this place on Monday, the 7th inst., Mrs. Hicks, wife of Theodore B. Hicks, after a lingering illness.—Metropolis Promulgator.

(Theodore B. Hicks married Sarah E. Hicks on 13 Nov 1851, in Massac Co., Ill.)
Bloody and Mysterious Murder. 
Carbondale, Ill., Dec. 14.

A most inhumane murder was committed in this place by some person or persons unknown, on Sunday morning, between the hours of one and five o'clock on the person of Mr. John Freely, who resides just outside of our corporate limits.  He was found dead, with his head split open, apparently with something like an ax, sitting in his own house.  Our usually quiet and peaceful community was thrown into such excitement as was never before witnessed here.  All the day yesterday was spent in endeavors to ferret out the perpetrators of this dastardly crime.  Up to this time, however, all is mystery.  The statement of Freely's wife is that Freely came home some time after midnight, and that she was awakened some time after by a noise in the room, that she heard a blow, and looking out, saw five black men, and that the largest man among them proposed to kill the whole family; that the others opposed this; that she screamed and they fled.  She then alarmed the neighborhood.  This is about all that has been learned.  The most profound mystery envelops the whole deed.  The investigation still continues.



Thursday, 17 Dec 1868:
CARBONDALE MURDER.—Particulars in regard to this mysterious and bloody affair received from a gentleman from Carbondale yesterday, are substantially the same as contained in The Times of the 16th.  Freeley was an Irishman about forty-five years of age.  The following, from the Carbondale New Era throws some additional light on the subject:

Quite an excitement was occasioned in town last Saturday morning by the announcement that John Freeley, residing about one half mile northeast of this place, had been murdered during the night.  Upon repairing to the house, the report was found to be true.  There sat the man in a rocking chair, dead, his skull broken in by blows from the poll of an ax or some similar weapon, the blood and brains oozing from the wound.  The account given by the wife of the murdered man is that he came home at a late hour, near twelve o'clock, in a state of intoxication.  He was apparently in ill humor with some unknown negroes, swearing that he would kill every negro and Abolitionist in the county.  The woman, who was in bed, got up, and succeeded in getting his pistol and put it away.  She again went to bed and fell asleep.  She was wakened by a shriek and the sound of a blow.  On awakening she saw five negroes, or men with blackened faces, one of whom again struck the victim with some instrument.  Being terribly frightened at what had occurred and by the proposition of one of the men to murder them all, the jumped from the bed and ran to the neighbors to raise an alarm.  The nearest neighbors were colored people, but they, though fear or some other reason, refused to go to the scene of murder.  A ferocious dog prevented her from raising the next family, so that some time elapsed before assistance was had, and in the meantime the murderers effected their escape.  This is the account, substantially as gleaned from the woman's testimony.

At an early hour on Sunday morning a Coroner's jury was empanelled, which was in session most of the day, and again on Monday forenoon and evening, but nothing of importance was elicited.  A squad of five negroes were known to have passed down the railroad about daylight Sunday morning.  These were overhauled, arrested and brought back, but as not even suspicion could be attached to them, they were released.  Another squad were reported going north the same morning, but at the hour of writing they had not been arrested.

The case is involved in considerable mystery.  Why anyone should desire to take the life of Freeley cannot readily be imagined.  He was very poor, seldom having any sum of money about him.  He was a good mechanic, but wasted most of his time in drunkenness.  While drunk, he was quarrelsome and treacherous, but had he given offense sufficient to have jeopardized his life, it would seem natural that the murder should have been committed on the spot, instead of in his own house, in sight of his family, two or three hours afterward.  Many and varied suspicions are afloat to which it would be injudicious to give publicity.  The coroner's jury are doing all in their power to unravel the mystery, and it is to be hoped they will succeed.

Freeley was a man of probably forty or forty-five years of age and leaves a wife and two or three children.  The coroner's jury on Monday evening adjourned until Saturday.  Nothing whatever of interest was developed.


Saturday, 19 Dec 1868:
Death of the Oldest Man in Southern Illinois—Johnson Harriss, father of our ex-sheriff and the Harriss brothers of this city (DuQuoin), died at his home in Paradise Prairie, Perry County, December 31 (?), at the advanced age of ninety-nine years.  Old Grandfather Harris was born in
Charlotte County, Virginia, in 1769, and his nearest birthday would have made him ninety-nine years old.  He settled in this county in 1829 and died within a few feet of the exact spot of where he domiciled his family upon his arrival—DuQuoin Tribune.
            (Johnson Harriss died on 3 Dec 1868, aged 98 years old, 11 months, 6 days, according to his marker in Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery in Perry County.)


Tuesday, 22 Dec 1868:
DIED.—In this city, on Sunday morning, the 20th inst., at the residence of William F. Pitcher, Esq., Mr. John A. Bunner, aged 25 years.

The birthplace of Mr. Bunner is unknown in this city, so far as we could learn, but he was in the habit of calling Cincinnati his home.  He came to his city in the spring of 1867, and entered the office of the Adams Express, where he, in a most satisfactory manner, discharged his duties until June 1868, when his rapidly failing health compelled him to abandon his desk.  He sought relief from his disease (bronchial consumption) at Minneapolis, Minn., where he remained some two months; but finding his health was not improving, he returned to Cairo in August, and was for a month or more employed in the stone depot of the Illinois Central Railroad.  About six week ago his health entirely failed him, and he was compelled to take his bed, from which he was never to rise.

Mr. Bunner, in manner, was reserved and was most beloved by those who knew him best.  Cut down in early manhood when the future was bright and promising, his untimely death will be sincerely regretted by many here, and wherever he was known.  His funeral took place at 12 o'clock yesterday, the remains being conveyed to Villa Ridge, by special train, for interment.

(The Cairo Bulletin newspaper of 21 Dec 1868, records his name as Young Mr. Bonner.)

We learn the business of the late Capt. Abraham Williams will be carried on by his nephew, Capt. W. M. Williams.

MAN DROWNED WHILE ON A HUNTING EXCURSION.—Two young men arrived here one week ago yesterday, from Richmond, Indiana, on their way to Missouri, on a hunting excursion.  They left on the same day of their arrival, and proceeded across the river, accompanied by a negro whom they procured in the city.  Nothing occurred to mar the pleasure or anticipations of the party until they reached a point on Little River, some sixty miles distant.  Arriving at the place designated they struck camp.  The river being frozen over, they crossed it for the purpose of viewing the country and ascertaining the prospects for game, leaving the negro at camp.  They concluded to return towards evening and proceeded to recross towards evening, and proceeded to recross the river at the same point where they crossed it in safety but a few hours before not conjecturing for a moment that the ice had melted to become rotten from the heat of the sun, when it suddenly gave way and precipitated one of them into the river.  The more fortunate party, although witnessed the dilemma of his associate, feared to approach him, but made for shore as fast as possible, where he procured a pole for the purpose of rescuing his comrade.  On his return to rescue the unfortunate man, who was still in the water, clinging for dear life to the rotten ice, and thus supporting himself, breaking the ice at every attempt to extricate himself from his perilous position, and when a short distance from the shore, the ice suddenly gave way with him also, he sharing a similar fate with his friend.  Loud cries for assistance to the negro in camp, by the last unfortunate brought him to the scene, and after he had been in the water some ten or fifteen minutes was finally rescued, but to find that his friend, through the effects of cold and fatigue, had sunk to the bottom.  What must have been the feelings of the survivor under the circumstances?  He immediately procured a pike-pole or gig, and with proper assistance succeeded in recovering the body of the unfortunate young man, which he brought to this city on Sunday morning last, and yesterday morning started for his home with the remains of his former friend and comrade, there to witness on his arrival, an equally pitiable and heart-rending sight with the original misfortune—the grief and agony of heart broken parents over their sudden and irreparable loss.  A pocket book, containing some $400 was with the young man, but was not recovered with his body.
Thursday, 24 Dec 1868:
Correspondence of the St. Louis Republican,
Jonesboro, December 22.—On Saturday last three men on horseback stopped at the house of Capt. B. Franklin, some fifteen miles east of this place, and one of them proposed to swap horses.  The Captain had a valuable horse, and refused to swap, and went into the field to gather corn.  As soon as he had gone, the man who proposed to trade came back and took the captain's horse out of the barn and left his.  The alarm was given and the captain followed after his horse, came up with the thief and demanded his property.  The thief drew a revolver and fired at the captain three times, one of the balls striking him in the breast and killing him almost instantly.  The country was aroused, the thief pursued, and captured.  He was placed under guard at the house of a magistrate on Saturday evening.  During the night the house was surrounded by a large company of armed men, the prisoner taken from the guard and hanged on a tree.  The other two horsemen were also arrested, but after proving that they had only a road acquaintance with the thief they were discharged.  Capt. Franklin was an esteemed citizen.  His murderer was a desperado from Texas.

So it goes.  Judge Lynch's court is becoming a popular institution.

(The Jonesboro Gazette of 26 Dec 1868, reported that Capt. Buck Franklin was murdered at Reynoldsburg, Johnson Co., Ill., on 19 Dec 1868, and that his murderer was hanged at Mt. Pleasant on the same day.)

Thursday, 31 Dec 1868:
The case of Van Hall, who was struck with a bottle at the Eldorado Saloon, was introduced, and the barkeeper of that saloon, who did the striking, admitted to bail in the sum of $600, to answer at a higher court.  Van Hall is in a critical condition from the effects of the assault.

The Cairo Evening Bulletin


Monday, 21 Dec 1868:


In the recent death of Mrs. Samuel B. Halliday, of the house of Halliday Bros., and Vice President of the City National Bank, the city of Cairo has sustained a deep loss that may not be repaired.  A zealous friend of all public enterprises, a careful thorough and successful businessman, his untimely taking off will be felt in every circle and condition in life in which he moved and acted among us.  Long a resident of Cairo he had closely identified himself with the place, investing largely in its realty, and never for a minute despairing of the wisdom of his source of the ultimate commercial and general consequence of the city.  A man of high moral character, and a well-cultivated mind, he bestowed himself with zeal to the work of up building the church and Sabbath school with which he had connected himself.  They young of every degree among us loved him, and greeted his coming and going as a friend indeed.  None lament him more deeply and sincerely than the hundred of children who so often had met him in the Sabbath School.

The family left behind and his numerous relatives have the sincerely sympathy of the entire community in their deep and seemingly untimely _____.

Young Mr. Bonner, lately employed in the Express office, died in this city, at the residence of Mr. W. F. Pitcher, yesterday morning.  He died of a bronchial ailment of several weeks duration.  His remains were conveyed to Villa Ridge for burial.  He was a young gentleman of exemplary habits, commanding the respect of every one who enjoyed his acquaintance.

(The Cairo Times of 22 Dec 1868, reports his name as John A. Bunner.)


A Negro Instantly Killed

A murder, unprovoked and fiendish in its nature, occurred in this city, on Saturday evening last, in the cellar of an eating house kept at 92 Ohio Levee.  A colored man named William Nelson, just off the river, called at the place indicated and purchased ten cents worth of bread, for which he settled with a white man who was present seeing no keeper of the house or help. Shortly afterwards spying some eatables on the end of the counter, he partook of a quantity worth fifteen cents.  At this juncture the negro cook of the establishment whose name is Henry Gay, approached Nelson and demanded pay for the demolished eatables.  Nelson replied that he intended to pay, but would pay “the white gentleman.”  Hereat Gay took umbrage and declared that if he did not pay him, that then and there he would be sorry for it.  This Nelson declined to do, protesting at the time he would pay the white man.  Without further parlay or provocation Gay opened a drawer, gathered therefrom a loaded pistol, took deadly aim and sent a bullet crashing through Nelson's brain.

The occurrence coming to the knowledge of Coroner Corcoran, he immediately summoned a jury of inquest, who returned a verdict in accordance with the facts as above detailed.

Marshal Hogan took Gay under arrest and conveyed him to jail, where he awaits the disposition of a competent court.

The body of the deceased negro was interred, at the expense of the county, the only effects found upon it being a ten cent piece, which was clutched in the hand—no doubt a part of the fifteen cents the withholding of which cost him his life. 

(Henry Gay, born about 1843 in Missouri, black, is listed in the 1870 census at Joliet Prison in Will Co., Ill.)


We avail ourselves earliest opportunity afforded us to record the death of that novel man and highly esteemed citizen, Capt. Abraham Williams.  He died on Sunday the 6th instant, on board the steamer Mollie Able, near Bayou Sara, La., of a complication of diseases from which he had long been suffering, more or less intensely.  His body brought hither in charge of his nephew W. M. Williams, was dispatched to Covington Ky., where it now reposes beside the ashes of his honored mother.
Very recently Capt. Williams embarked in a manufacturing enterprise in this city, upon which he built high hopes of success and which under his intelligent direction, would not doubt have answered his most sanguine expectations.  We refer to the erection of a costly distillery into which he had incorporated such improved and patented appliances as promised to insure the ends of which he aimed, beyond any peradventure.

Among the earliest settlers of Cairo, (under its present auspices) Capt. Williams entertained an abiding faith that the place was destined for one of the leading commercial marts of the American continent, and in testimony of the sincerity of that faith he never relinquished his foothold therein or for a moment despaired of the future, however, discouraging the aspect of the present.
Few men had more friends or more sincere ones than Capt. Williams.  His was a noble-heart—generous, yielding to the softest touch of sympathy, full of good will for his fellow men, and nurturing no bitterness for his enemies.  We have known few such men, few such therefore, have we mourned.  Great heart, farewell forever.

Tuesday, 29 Dec 1868:


A Fatal Misapprehension.

Many of our citizens will be able to ____ mind a young man named James Bemiss who served for several months as clerk in the drug store of Messrs. Barclay Brothers.  Leaving this city he obtained employment with Messrs. Smith & Thomas, druggists, Bowling Green, Ky.  About two weeks ago an altercation arose between him and Mr. Thomas that assumed a serious aspect for the time, but led to no immediate result. 

Bemiss left the store, and after consulting with friends concluded to throw up his situation:  In the meantime, Mr. Thomas had discovered that the quarrel had arisen from a misapprehension of facts, and expressed to his partner a disposition to effect a reconciliation.  Mr. Bemiss, in pursuance of his determination to leave his position, returned to the store for the purpose of delivering up the key.  He found Messrs. Smith and Thomas in company, and after the passage of a few words, inserted his hands in his pockets to obtain the key.  Smith, misconstruing his purpose, instantly drew his revolver, and commenced firing.  Bemiss, not averse, in his then existing frame of mind, for such an encounter, drew also and returned the fire, placing two or more of the five balls discharged by him into the body of his assailant, inflicting wounds from which he died next morning.  Smith fired four shots, one of the balls terribly crushing Bemiss' elbow, rendering amputation unavoidable.

The affair is a most lamentable one, but no more so than others that are occurring almost every day, as the legitimate consequences of carrying deadly weapons.

Thursday, 31 Dec 1868:


A country friend, who lives about four miles from Pulaski, informs us by letter from that point, that while engaged in hunting a horse, day before yesterday, he discovered the skeleton of a man, in the end of a much decayed hollow log, lying about three quarters of a mile from Cache River.  From appearances the remains had been there several years, all the ligatures of the body, the clothing, even the hair having moldered away.  He found three plain brass buttons among the particles of the decayed timber, by which fact chiefly, he determined that the skeleton was that of a man.  The skull, which he carried home with him, was badly fractured, with a perforation in the back part of it, which he believes was made by a rifle or pistol ball.

Do these bones point to a foul murder, and come to light at this late day as a key to the discovery of the murderer?  We recall the mysterious disappearance of a stranger who about ten years ago, visited that section of country, to view and probably purchase lands.  He had been seen last in the woods about four miles from the Mounds Junction.  After that, all knowledge or trace of him was lost.  Diligent inquires were made by interested parties, but no clue to his fate could be secured.  Inquiry was finally abandoned, his family and friends resting under the conviction that he had been foully dealt with for the few hundred dollars in money he had about his person.  Are these the bones of that man?  They may be, but who can identify them?

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